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so how to install a fx

Started by crosspotts1.0, December 08, 2016, 02:47:00 PM

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so i read on sick alice page the totural by cyber burn but cant get my fx to show up in the ffedit i dnt know what i did wrong so any help is appreciated

Cyber Burn

Installing FX for FFvt3R

These may also work for FF1...Maybe.

Most FX have basically the same installation procedure. This is the base "Read_Me" that you would see when installing most FX.

FXNAME is what we will use for the name of the FX. However, you can substitute "Phoenix_Claw" or "Batarang" or "Spider-Sense", or whatever, and the procedure will still be the same.

1) Place the TGA or DDS Art Files in your:

           Data > Art > library > fx > _textures Directory

2) Place the FXNAME FX Folder (Which contains the NIF Files) in your:

          Data > Art > library > fx > generic Directory

3) Open FFEdit and Click on the FX Tab.

4) On the bottom left hand corner, Click on the New Button.

5) In the FX Details Section, type or copy:

Nif Base: library > fx > generic > FXNAME
Attack Type: Ranged (Or Melee, or Area, or whatever)
Attack Sub Type: Projectile (Or Beam, or whatever)

6) In the bottom left hand corner, Click on Save. The FX should now show up on the list.

7) Select FXNAME (The FX that you just created) from the list on the left.

8) In the Node Attachment Points Section:

Start: Choose where you want the "Start.Nif" of the FX to start
Core: Choose where you want the "End.Nif" of the FX to start
End: You'll have to experiment with this one.

9) In the bottom left hand corner, Click on Save.

These instructions are a modified version of those given by MikeB7


cool that worked im having a probelm finding my hero files for my custom chars

Cyber Burn

This was Copied from Alex's Freedom Fortress:

If you installed Freedom Force in the default directory, hero files are in one of these folders:

GOG version -> C:\GOG Games\Freedom Force\Data\Heroes
Steam version -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Freedom Force\Data\Heroes
CD version (Win7 and later) -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Irrational Games\Freedom Force\Data\Heroes
CD version (older Windows) -> C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force\Data\Heroes

For FFv3r:The CD, GOG, and Steam Versions all handle hero files the same way. They go in your User\Apps Data folder. For example if your PC User is ALEX, they would be in

For Win7 and later Versions ->  C:\Users\ALEX\AppData\Local\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\Custom\Heroes
For Older Versions Windows ->  C:\Documents and Settings\ALEX\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\Custom\Heroes


So for your Windows 8, Steam Version, your Hero Files "Should" be here: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\Custom\Heroes


wow that was easily enough  :banghead: :) can i take the hero file and add ai to it so they dont just stand there when being attacked in wach mode and

also why do members on my team just stand there when ennmys are attacking us