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Retro Conversion by RandomDays

Started by Cyber Burn, January 21, 2017, 11:04:49 PM

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Cyber Burn

I don't remember where I got this, but per Request, here is a brief Tutorial for converting  :ffvstr: Meshes to  :ff: that was written by RandomDays.

IMPORTANT: Since I do not really use  :ff: I have NOT tried this for myself.

As requested on how to convert FFVTTR> FF

Do you still have Blender setup and running? I saw you were having problems before. If so you might want to uninstall/ reinstall and start from scratch. You may know how to do a lot of what's below, but I'll go thru just in case and for anyone else who wants to try and are not familiar with Blender.

Install in this order;
4)nif scripts.

Files found at above link, or check out Ewzzy's tutorial here;

After everything is installed and hopefully running, you should have the basic cube on screen, selected and highlighted purple.

click "x" and delete

Up top left of screen, expand "File" ,then "import" then "netimmerse/gambryo"

This will open an explorer window so you can locate your mesh. Find and select your mesh

This will open an import option screen. Hit the "default" button to set your options.

I turn off the "import animation" button which is for the kfs and is still beta last time I looked

You should see a loading bar at top loading the nif. when done, it will be on screen.

With your numlock turned on, your number pad wil give you;

7 - top view
1 - front view
3 - left side view
4 and 6 rotate on Z axis
2 and 8 rotate on Y azis

All mesh parts should be pink, meaning they're selected. if not, hit "A" to select/unselect all.

If you want to change the mesh any, select the part you want to change ONLY. If you want all to change, select the skeleton/armature and most if not all the mesh parts will change wth the armature.

Hit "N" to bring up the mesh stats.

Location X/Y and Z are the location of the nif compared to center, or where it will appear in the selection ring. IE increase Z and the mesh will float above the ground, decrease and it will sink into the ground. If you change the mesh size, you'll have to adjust Z to keep it at ground level.

Scale X/Y and Z will grow/shrink the mesh in that direction. Turn on link scale to keep the same diminsions and do all 3 at once.

The Rot X/Y and Z will rotate/spin the mesh in that direction.

To clear rotation back to start, hit "ALT" + "R"

To set new size and rotation as base, hit "CTRL" + "A" and select "scale and object rotation to base obj"

There's alot more you can do with the mesh of course, but I'll stop there.

To export the mesh, make sure all parts are selected and go back up to "File" and select "export" > "netimmerse/gamebryo"

This will bring up an explorer window again on where you want to save the new file and what you want to name it. make sure you rename it to something different so you don't overwrite the original file. hit the "export nif" button on upper right

This will bring up the export options screen. Hit the "restore default settings for selected game" button. Make sure the "Freedom Force" button is selected.

Turn off the "force DDS extension" button again

hit "ok" and the mesh should export and you should have your FF mesh ready.

This is the way I do it and it works fine for me.


WOO HOO!! Thanks for posting this, CB! :thumbup:


Some other important basics to know especially when starting out. Note the Mode selection menu. Object mode is where an individual or more objects that one is going to work on are selected. 1st is selected by Right Clicking on it, and additional by Shift+Right Clicking (Blender will keep track of the order, needed for weight copying and combining). Edit mode is where vertices and the model itself are worked on, Pose becomes available when the Bone structure is selected and naturally where the model is posed (mostly used in weight copying for us).

In Edit mode the selection crosshairs is brought up by pressing B. Then select a vertices or many with Right Click. To select multiple in a row, press B again after the first selection then Shift+Right Click for every additional. Remember in between each to bring up the crosshairs with B. Here are a few other important shortcuts while in Edit mode, note Merging especially (Alt+M) as this will allow you to do many creative things.