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Hot Stuff..

Started by cmdrkoenig67, March 22, 2017, 02:49:59 PM

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Hi Freedom Friends,

I hope you're all doing well.
I wasn't sure if this should go here or not,but I thought I'd ask.  I'm trying to make a steam jet FX and wantwd to ask for your input in what sort of damage I should use for it.

Should the steam give fire (heat) damage, acid or acid burn damage (acid burn lasts longer, right?)?  Thanks for any advice...



In Champions, it is a heat-based attack, and making it Continuous is realistic and permissible (and penetrating, but the effects between the two games isn't the same). Isn't there a heat-based attack that runs more than one "segment"?


The closest thing to that is "Fire Cage", the FFX swap, but that immobilizes a foe in a ring of fire *johnny cash'ing intensifies*


LOL @ Johnny Cash'ing!

Thanks for the input, guys!



Hey, cmdrkoenig67.

Once that you have the skills, have you ever thought about making a fx card for Gambit (just like his power from the game X-men of the video game Genesis) where the ''fx'' goes and around and come back many times until it finally reaches the enemy?

Another cool power that I was looking forward to see was a batman Signal. Something to make the enemy gets in panic after using it...

Just some ideas that came in my mind.


There is already a "kinetic card" effect; I just don't know who did it.


Oh, thank you Daglob.
I had it, but in the game from Genesis, X-men I saw a very cool fx, where Gambit throws his card and the card goes around and around until it reaches the enemy.

Seems very cool the effect.


Hey Hero, I know exactly what you mean about the Gambit FX,  the Genesis X-Men games were my favorite growing up.
I think it's possible to make a Freedom Force FX like that, but it would take a bit of work.
Here's How I think it could work:
First, you have to skope the Gambit Keyframes on one of the ranged animations to make the leave_hand about a second or two later.
Then you need to make a Start.nif of a card that flies around his body.
The core.nif and end.nif could be the normal one's from Prem's kinetic card FX, I think.

If I'm right,  the animation will play where he throws the card, and that will start the start.nif of the card flying around the body, then later, when the leave_hand happens, the start.nif will go away and the core.nif will appear as a projectile going towards the enemy.

If that doesn't work out well, you could always just put the core.nif on two rotating axes, then it looks like it's flying all over the place,  but that might be a bit messy.
Maybe tonight or tomorrow I'll take a look at skoping something together.


Hello, Detoune-me. the Genesis X-Men games were my favorite growing up too.
Very tactical and cool game.

I tried to make the fx but even with your instructions I failed.
I don't know why.

I am still trying to change spiderman's idle_3 into a melee_contact or a teleport without sucess  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: