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Converting animations to nif

Started by SickAlice, April 24, 2017, 08:57:26 PM

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I have next to no knowledge on this right now but I figured as model swapping is becoming the thing it would be nice to get the topic for discussion going on this. Myself I'm working a lot with extracting various game formats for host sites and when doing that I come into all the game files including of course the animation files. So the idea here is to figure out how to take animation files from one games format and convert them into ones usable in Freedom Force games. The floor is yours.

Cyber Burn

I have absolutely no knowledge on the subject, so I'll just ask a few questions to get the ball rolling.

1.) Do Keyframes have to be Edited/Created in 3DsMax? Or are there any other Programs out there that can work on the (.Max) Files?

2.) If Meshes are being edited in Blender, can we edit their Keyframes in whatever their native Format is, and then convert to FF's Format them using Blender?

3.) Can we rig FF to take something other than the Nif/KF Format so that we could use other file types?

4.) Is it really noticeable that I have no idea what I'm talking about?


@4.) No, your on point actually. I know Blender does have some capacity when it comes to keys just not the extent of it. I know there are more programs than Max that can handle animations as well Netimmerse ones but again not my area either. Else of course keyframes can be edited in Nifskope, likewise in text thus if other formats have a similar structure (most bone hierarchies are alike that I've seen) converting should be doable though probably tedious. Waiting for our animation pros to weigh in else I'm setting aside some time over the month to study nif animations and related (yeah, should have done this years ago of course!).


I know that Blender can manipulate keyframes, but the only examples I've seen are Elder Scrolls keyframes (and nifs), so I'm not exactly sure how to modify FF keyframes. It is possible to read those files, though, but I don't know if Skyrim's nif structure has their keyframes integrated within the nif file or if the keyframes are external (like FF).

Cyber Burn

I had started to look at the Gambryo (Spelling?) Site earlier, but unfortunately I didn't get too far into it.

Cyber Burn

Sorry for the double post.  :ph34r:

But if you check out Sourceforge, and type in either Gamebryo or Nif, you'll have a few items of interest pop up.


I'm good there thanks. Making fast progress here. In fact if you want some Gamebryo links ask and I'll PM them. The best source I've found is the Zenhax/Xentax forums. They studied this in-depth over there and the various different types of GB formats as well made a bunch of third party open source tools for it. Companies themselves usually don't give a lot out on their engines unless a person is signed up for their programs (trying to get a job with them).


Progress update on this end. I'm going about to try and obtain other games that use similar animation structures based on the export list provided with the Blender plugins. I'm not all that knowledgeable about these games but did some searching and am trying to narrow down ones with animation types we don't have in FF as of yet. For example Pro Cycling Manager uses the same format but so I could get us some cycling models. Luckily the new Max keyframes are working fine so that'll speed this up. Also taking advantage of that and learning conversion there. Starting with Actor X (psk) to Nif animations since it's a well researched and readily available format for me. Can't wait to get some finished stuff and then tutorials up for this.

Cyber Burn

Sounds like some great progress being made. Awesome!