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Kkhohoho's Request Thread

Started by kkhohoho, September 10, 2017, 04:12:06 AM

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I didn't think you could attach them to a personal message, can you?

I'll put them on Mediafire for you tomorrow.


Thanks again. Anyway, still looking for the the last two members of Infinity Inc. First we've got Dr.Midnight II...

and Mr.Bones.

Also, I know there's a Dr.Midnight II by J_Foam, but the problem is it doesn't really work. The keyframes work just fine, but the mesh itself is Female Basic with short hair and wierd yellow things around her wrists and feet. Anyway, if anyone knows where these two are or has them on their person, it would be much appreciated.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


...Okay, I hate to ask again, but does anyone know where to find these two? (Listed up above.) If so, please tell me. If not, then I'll just have to assume they're a lost cause.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


If you give me a mesh you want Mr. Bones on, I could kitbash some of my old skins pretty easily, probably.
Although, what's up with that robot leg? He didn't always have that, did he? I'll do it without the robot leg.


JFoam has that version of Dr. Midnight at Alex's place:


Quote from: daglob on January 26, 2018, 04:10:44 PM
JFoam has that version of Dr. Midnight at Alex's place:

I know. The problem is, it doesn't work. Not for me anyway.

Unko, that would be great. I'm open to any mesh as long as it works.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


What are you trying to do with it, convert it to FFV3R?


Well, I could look if you want, I just thought it would be faster if you had something in mind.
If you want me to look, then I'll probably take about a month or so to get around to it. I know some parts I could use though. I think Texas Jack did a Dracula mesh that'd work?

PS: All my stuff is for FFvsTR. Some of it works for FF, but I don't check, so if you want it for that let me know before hand. If I just do a skin, no worries, but if I hex a mesh then it might not work?


Quote from: UnkoMan on January 27, 2018, 01:39:22 AM
Well, I could look if you want, I just thought it would be faster if you had something in mind.
If you want me to look, then I'll probably take about a month or so to get around to it. I know some parts I could use though. I think Texas Jack did a Dracula mesh that'd work?

PS: All my stuff is for FFvsTR. Some of it works for FF, but I don't check, so if you want it for that let me know before hand. If I just do a skin, no worries, but if I hex a mesh then it might not work?

Oh, sorry. In that case, how about Male_Basic?
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


C'mon... You can do better than that.
So, are you looking for FF1 then, or FFvsTR?
I've got something started but I think it was already converted.


I've been saying lately that I can't commit to cooking breakfast tomorrow morning, but it looks like Unko is handling Mr. Bones, so I'll try to give Dr. Midnite a whirl.


DaGlob, feel free to do your own Bones! Don't let me stop you.
I whipped this up, but I think it's FFvsTR only? It's also not very good.


Quote from: UnkoMan on January 29, 2018, 08:30:23 PM
C'mon... You can do better than that.
So, are you looking for FF1 then, or FFvsTR?
I've got something started but I think it was already converted.


And no offence, but don't start on 'doing better than that.' I am not by any means a FF mesh expert. Male basic and similar meshes are the only things I can remember off the top of my head. If you're going to ask me to come up with a mesh to put it on, that's what I'm going to give you, because that's literally all I know.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


Ha ha, sorry! Didn't mean to offend!
Some people here seem to have a huge wealth of meshes on harddrives, but yeah I'm like you! I can't think off the top.
Hopefully what I did was good enough for you.


This is what I've got so far. I'm not happy with the sleeves, and the visor leaves something to be desired. The moon will be a little tricky to fit, but not too bad. She is on Lady Blackhawk, so she has a decent set of hand-to-hand attacks.


Quote from: UnkoMan on January 30, 2018, 02:36:45 AM
Ha ha, sorry! Didn't mean to offend!
Some people here seem to have a huge wealth of meshes on harddrives, but yeah I'm like you! I can't think off the top.
Hopefully what I did was good enough for you.

No problem, Unko. And thanks for making Bones. He's not perfect, but he still turned out pretty good, I'd say. So don't sell yourself short. :)
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


Hey, Unko... if you transplant the particle emitter from my Man With No Name at Alex's place to Mr. Bones, his cigarette will smoke slightly...


Right; Infinity Inc and JSA (1999-2006) are done. Now it's onto Justice Society of America (2006-2011), and I think this one's going to be a mite harder to do. For starters, does anyone know if Not!Pippy Longstocking's around somewhere? (AKA.Cyclone)

The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


I don't think anyone has ever done that character. However, there is one a little like it at Sick Alice's place. It's his BV Kitty on the X-Men page.


Quote from: daglob on February 09, 2018, 03:37:20 AM
I don't think anyone has ever done that character. However, there is one a little like it at Sick Alice's place. It's his BV Kitty on the X-Men page.

Well, she at least has the same general shape as Cyclone if nothing else. I guess you could chalk it up as some sort of cosmic Superform? Would at least explain why she's blue of all things. I think she'll work as a decent enough stand-in until something better comes along. Whatever that might be. Thanks.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


She is an inside out mesh; Blender can change it back by selecting the mesh, right click and choose "mesh" from the drop down, and choose "flip faces". Or I can do it for you tomorrow.

Deaths Jester

Yeah, no one has done Cyclone. I think part of the reason is she was only in JSA and JSA All-Star Team for a year or such and then never showed up again. That and doing her flight animation with that outfit (the skirt/giant floopy shirt thing with a cyclone) proved...difficult. Not sure though.
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


Quote from: Deaths Jester on February 09, 2018, 06:12:43 AM
Yeah, no one has done Cyclone. I think part of the reason is she was only in JSA and JSA All-Star Team for a year or such and then never showed up again. That and doing her flight animation with that outfit (the skirt/giant floopy shirt thing with a cyclone) proved...difficult. Not sure though.

From what I remember, she was with the team all the way from Justice Society 2006 well into All stars, maybe up until the reboot. So that's a solid five years or so. But yeah, I get what you're saying. It's a shame though. Of all the characters in that era, she was one off the best. Not that that's saying much.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


Oy. Like I said, this one's looking to be a mite harder to do. I've managed to get several characters like Jesse Quick or KC!Superman in spite of limited resources, but I'm at another crossroads. Does anyone have Damage...

...or Magog?

Because I'm at a loss.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


I've tried looking for Magog before, and I could never find him.

I don't think I've seen Damage anywhere, either.

I'm definitely interested if anybody has either of these two.


I believe Kssaints had skinned both of them. Youll have to look through the saintsandskinners yahoogroups.


Wow, how did I miss that stuff? :doh:

Thanks, guys!


The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


Have a look through all of Kssaints stuff. He did a lot of great characters and a big variety of them, too. He was pretty good at doing new characters whwn they were coming out, like Drax and Red Arrow.