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Numenera: Tale of Flavik Thurn and Ellomyr

Started by Deaths Jester, October 11, 2017, 07:55:12 PM

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Deaths Jester

Monte Cook Games has a kickstarter going right now for Numenera. Aside from game books, they've been running a thing in it where backers get to decide the fate of a village thru different things. They've even been encouraging backers to write vignettes, draw art, ect that revolve around certain events concerning the village. So, trying to break through my burnout and writer's block I thought I'd try my hand at it. This is what "Chapter 1" looks like at the moment...I'm unsure if I will continue working on it or not...

"Chapter One"

Those that know what Numenera is, Flavik Thurn is a dishonorable jack who conceals the truth.  If you don't knwow hat Numenera is, check out Monte Cook Games for info.
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


Deaths Jester

I wrote two more parts to this as a kind of "Chapter Two" based on what threads MCG set out. However, they're really weak and not worth reading. Also, I've found myself busier than usual and not as interested in continuing down the threads that I've seen (Flavik really wouldn't be doing much of anything with what had been laid out up to now...thus very weak drive for usuable plot lines). With the KS ending this Friday, I've decided to just ride the thing out without anymore additional writing towards it. Will I return to add more to this? Probably not. If there was a lot...and I mean A LOT...of interest in Flavik, I might pick up some of the stories about his past exploits...including Pasha and Gronick. I doubt that will happen though...interest level on Flavik elsewhere has been next to nada.
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.

Deaths Jester

Because I won't be able to get time to work anymore on it and because Flavik really has nothing to do after the Margr horde, here's the full version of Flavik's tale. That and I'm not exactly thrilled with the path MCG has chosen to go from the last piece building up to the Iron's a weak thread I feel. It stops right before the Iron Wind Chapter 2 part 2..just a collection of everything that has come beforehand.

Full unfinished story

Edit: ...And yes, this does include the two weak pieces I mentioned in my previous post...
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.

Deaths Jester

This is a cross post from the Numenera 2 kickstarter, so don't worry about the names @Audrey and @Vico...they are for ppl not here:

Alright, here's one last piece of Flavik's tale:


This gets us just after the Iron Wind and includes mentions of @Audrey's Heiro and Ro and @Vico's Cobalt Syndicate and their masquerade.  This will be the last story of Flavik in Ellomyr because the story is suffering.  During the first margr siege, the writing was easy because I could just drop the character in the situation and he'd write himself.  Since then, I've had to poke and prod Flavik around to make him do stuff and it's just not working, as you can tell.  So for now, Flavik's present/future tales in Ellomyr are done.  I might decide to write a bit of his past (with Pasha and Gronick) because those seem to be the more interesting times in the character's life...but I'm not sure of that either. Anyways, that's it.  Hope I did @Audrey's Heiro/Ro some justice in this piece...
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.

Deaths Jester

Hmm...I see people reading but no commenting? Must be as horrid as I first thought...
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


No, I downloaded it and just haven't had time to sit and read. Or maybe I just forgot; it's hard to tell these days.

Worst thing is: no booze!


I read "chapter one" and quite liked it. In fact, that made for a great self contained story.
Sometimes it is best to leave them wanting more.

That being said, I liked him and look forward to reading the next piece!