FFvT3R problems upon trying to get into maps or the game.

Started by Rdup222, January 06, 2018, 03:16:05 AM

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THIS IS A PROBLEM FOR :ffvstr:  NOT  :ff:

So, I bought both Freedom Force, And Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich, On Steam.   And I had a few problems when playing FFvT3R.

When playing the game, The game never loads the level, Like how in the story, the first Cut-scene goes through, OR IF you skip it, Its stuck and does not play at all.  I mind you have not had this problem ever on my old computers, Keep in mind this is a windows 10 gaming computer.   I even tried the danger room levels, And the same result happens, Only it freezes as soon as you try to launch the level. 

If anyone has a fix for it, Please do tell me! I would love to play one of my very first games on the pc platform, And one of my favorite games of all time.
And remember As Minute man says,



Are you using any mods or is this just a fresh Steam install?

Can't say that I've seen anybody with this issue before, so I'm not sure how to fix this.


At first glance, it might be a script problem. If you do have mods installed, could you post your script.log and ff.log files?

P.S.: Welcome aboard, Rdup!
FFX add-on for FFvsTTR at ffx.freedomforce4ever.com


Nope, I have not installed any mods at all,  I have freshly installed this through steam, Bought the pack that had both games. Still having the problem.


Howdy Rdup22.  Try disabling the Steam overlay for the game.  It can cause problems (at least for me).

You may also try running  :ffvstr: in compatibility mode for XP SP 2 as an admin. 
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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