Sentinels of Freedom--the next Freedom Force?

Started by catwhowalksbyhimself, February 08, 2018, 10:10:00 PM

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Completely forgot about this topic.

Yeah, I finished the first chapter.  There's a solid foundation, bit it appears unpolished.  There are half-baked system in there that are barely used (like there are story and optional missions, but there's a grand total of 1 optional missions.  Theres mission selections but once you get past the first few missions, there's only one mission to choose and so forth)  things that straight out don't add anything that are usually removed or reworked during beta and so forth. The character creation system is actually okay but could use more options.  The actual combat system is solid, but could use some minor tuning. It's refreshingly different than from any other game I've played and is way more polished than anything else, so it's obvious this is where they've been pouring all their attention into. The mission design is good as far as the missions variety and the maps goes, but every mission ends up might endless waves of the excess same minions you fight every mission.  Supervillains are usually only slightly more powerful than said minions and aren't interesting to fight.

I still think it's worth playing, but it plays more like an early beta before they've figured out what they want the game to be than it does a finished game. They are still working on it though.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.