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Action Comics #1000

Started by HarryTrotter, April 22, 2018, 02:30:59 PM

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The issue itself is great.Great,anthology celebration that the character deserves.
-Surprisingly,even Tom King does a good story about Superman at the end of the world.
-On the long awaited Bendis story;there is just so little of it that I cant really say anything.Its pretty much a trailer for his upcoming Man of Steel.
-90's variant cover is Clark and Lois in front of a wall.Really?I guess they didn't want to do another Death of Superman homage,but there are a lot of other stuff that did happen in the 90's.Actually,like I keep saying,it was the best era for Superman.
The volume is a pretty decent collection spotlighting a lot of first appearances.That really leaves you wanting more since you cant fit every iconic moment from 80 years in just one book.
-Funny how little of Superman you can recognize in Action #1.Sure the draft is there,but a lot of details are missing.Like,Superman grew up in an orphanage and works for Evening news in Cleveland,Ohio.
-Another thing that's forgotten is that pre-Crisis Clark was just a mask,and Superman is the real person.Its only post-Crisis that Clark becomes a competent journalist and an actual person with his own identity.So to speak.
-Once again,90's are pretty neglected.Even the cover gallery only mentions Panic in the Sky.No wedding,the mullet,electrical powers,Trial of Superman,nothing?I guess you could say it wasn't in ACTION itself,but still,I feel a bit cheated.
-You get and few essays a stories starring other stars of Action Comics to round up thing.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Yeah, I'd been meaning to post about it. I thought the Action 1000 was great (with the exception of Bendis). I particularly enjoyed Scott Snyder writing a Luthor story.

Yeah, Bendis's story really was just a tease. I also wasn't crazy about bystanders yabbing about Superman "wearing his underwear outside his pants" in the middle of a superhero fight. So Bendis, so lame, and undercuts bringing back the iconic trunks. Was Bendis in favor of doing so? The book also seems to imply that Superman had the blue trunks at some point in the past in the New 52 universe. Is that a retcon?
I was thinking the other day about what creators could do stories for Detective Comics #1000 if they do it the same way as Action. I'd actually really enjoy that.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Hard to tell,DC hasnt really decided if this is still New52 continuity or the previous one.
Both JL titles mentioned/showed previous incarnations of the Justice League,as opposed to Origins version.
I suppose a lot has happened in those 10 deleted years?
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer