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Animus needs a skirt...

Started by daglob, June 10, 2018, 03:37:14 AM

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... what do you paste it to? I'm working on a Frost Giant and I need to make it the size of Male Hulking. It has no Handle Node, and I need to make a transplant.


In Nifskope, right click on Bip01 and add parent node. Add a NiNode and call it handle. That should do it!


Thanks to DM Animus here is only slightly taller (at the shoulders) than Male Heavy. Now I need to give her a skirt. The one from Male Heavy Skirt Sash is distorted when I try to transplant it.

Any other ideas?

I lost this twice before, once to an operator error and another to a dead hard drive. I've tried to make the limbs longer and thinner, and it didn't work. I've tried positioning the head differently, but it looked weird.

Cyber Burn

Have you tried any of Tommyboy's Male_Heavy Skirts?