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change duration of fx

Started by oktokels, February 08, 2019, 12:48:03 PM

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Hello, i have the "shazam_Area_fx", this one has a start.nif and core.nif.  Im trying to put it on a shazam custom char that i have in ffx3 for  :ffvstr:.

Once shazam uses this power, it takes at least 5 seconds to trigger the damage, while the actual fx animation just takes 2.5 secs to finish....To fix this problem, I tried to copy a end.nif from a original FFVTR fx, but it doesnt seem to work. I tried changing the time duration in the AI file... nothing either. I tried to modify the damage trigger of core.nif in nifskope, but it is out of my grasp, i only managed to find a time and value field, in 1 NiTextKeyExtraData:

Quote-Text Keys
Time: 0.166667
Value: damage

I don't really know if this has anything to do with the problem, i tried to change it to 0.1, but nothing seems to change. I hav run out of ideas for a solution, any help?  :banghead: :banghead:

Cyber Burn

For clarification purposes, do you want the visual FX to completely slow down? Or do you want the damage caused by the FX to trigger faster?


Quote from: Cyber Burn on February 09, 2019, 05:26:26 PM
For clarification purposes, do you want the visual FX to completely slow down? Or do you want the damage caused by the FX to trigger faster?
ups  im sorry if you didnt understand, i dont know english very well... :(
I want the damage to trigger at the same time the fx stops, right now it triggers way too late   :doh:


Ahhh, yeah.

That means the area fx isn't converted for :ffvstr: properly. Area attacks and direct attacks are really wonky if converted improperly.

I think that all you need to do is run the area nif files through the EZNifConvert tool (the same one that converts hero nifs). Make sure you back up the nifs before converting, though!

Cyber Burn

Now there is a way to actually slow down an FX by editing the Nif File. It's a bit time consuming, but if I can find my notes on it, I'll try to take a look at this.

Cyber Burn

It's been a looong time since I've messed with FX's, and I haven't tried this in game, so make sure you back your original files up before using this one.

Cyber Burn

Cyber Burn

Just out of curiosity, has anyone tried this in-game yet? Did it work the it was supposed to?