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Character tools on windows 10

Started by comic_nut, August 30, 2019, 08:00:53 PM

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Has anyone had any issues running the game or character tools on windows 10 and if so what and is it resolvable, also can you install and use the character tools without the game being installed


The main problem I have is that WX has some programs it runs memory resident that do not show up in Task Manager or anything. So, no matter what it says about available memory they lie. I've heard that it ranges for a few megabytes to a gig or more, so it's probably a lot, but not a gig. I haven't been able to run either game for awhile because, even showing something like 4 gig free, there is not enough RAM.In addition, my WX no longer supports my graphics card (although it did for over a year), and I am running on drivers that were probably fine for my 80386.

We won't discuss what it does to Photoshop.

Cyber Burn

I actually have  :ffvstr: installed on a flash drive in addition to my laptop. I only did that so I can play with NifSkope on computers that don't have anything I need installed on them, such as the ones at the college.


I'm running a gaming pc with windows 10, so I don't mind getting the gog version just want to be sure about getting it the tools and all the right mods installed

Cyber Burn

My laptop is a Windows 8.1, and my Desktop is a Windows 10. I used the original Disk to install  :ffvstr: on both machines, neither of which are actual "Gaming" PC's, but I've been able to get all the tools and Mods to work so far.

Quote from: Cyber Burn on August 30, 2019, 09:50:13 PM
I actually have  :ffvstr: installed on a flash drive in addition to my laptop. I only did that so I can play with NifSkope on computers that don't have anything I need installed on them, such as the ones at the college.

As far as this comment goes, I had previously uninstalled  :ffvstr: from both machines a while back, but when I decided to re-install them, I installed everything to a flash drive first: the game, mod tools, NifSkope, etc.


Tomato helped me get the  :ffvstr: character tool working, but his ff.reg file didn't worjk the same way with my passport ex drive