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Fixing FF1 Area FX

Started by BentonGrey, April 09, 2020, 11:39:19 PM

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The thing is Alex that when i try to convert an FX with EzNifConvert after i have renamed it character.nif, it crashes. So just to be clear if i want to convert an end.nif for a :ff: FX with EzNifConvert, the process would be to rename it character.nif, place it in a mesh folder in the characters folder and then convert it? Did i get this right?


Update: I managed to make it work with gas_pellet_yellow so the problem was with the nifs i tried to convert, they were probably broken. The first two i tried were darkforce_bird and shazam_area and they both crashed EZNifConvert upon conversion. Is there any way to fix those nifs?

WB, i cant make where the yellow arrow in your last pic is pointing. Is it towards NiTextKeyED000?


Quote from: Jimaras8 on May 29, 2020, 09:31:27 AM
The thing is Alex that when i try to convert an FX with EzNifConvert after i have renamed it character.nif, it crashes. So just to be clear if i want to convert an end.nif for a :ff: FX with EzNifConvert, the process would be to rename it character.nif, place it in a mesh folder in the characters folder and then convert it? Did i get this right?

OK, a couple of things:
1. The reason it's crashing is not because of what you named the nif. The problem is the NIF itself is corrupt or needs fixing (i think someone earlier in this thread explained how it may be messed up, I don't know much about hex editing nifs to fix this problem) I haven't used eznif in a long time, doesn't it just let you select any nif? (name doesn't matter except to the NPI one? EZ Hero definitely lets you select whatever)

2. As I said, all the conversion programs use nifconvert.exe to do the actual conversions. So they will all fail on the same NIF
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


Yep,  they are probably broken.  Can someone try to convert either darkforce_bird or shazam_area or apocalypse_areawave just to make sure it's not just me?

I managed to make a couple fx work and I figured the time thing in the text keys but the broken ones I have no idea how to fix and unfortunately they are the ones I need the most.

Cyber Burn

Quote from: abenavides on May 29, 2020, 03:49:51 PM
Quote from: Jimaras8 on May 29, 2020, 09:31:27 AM
The thing is Alex that when i try to convert an FX with EzNifConvert after i have renamed it character.nif, it crashes. So just to be clear if i want to convert an end.nif for a :ff: FX with EzNifConvert, the process would be to rename it character.nif, place it in a mesh folder in the characters folder and then convert it? Did i get this right?

OK, a couple of things:
1. The reason it's crashing is not because of what you named the nif. The problem is the NIF itself is corrupt or needs fixing (i think someone earlier in this thread explained how it may be messed up, I don't know much about hex editing nifs to fix this problem) I haven't used eznif in a long time, doesn't it just let you select any nif? (name doesn't matter except to the NPI one? EZ Hero definitely lets you select whatever)

2. As I said, all the conversion programs use nifconvert.exe to do the actual conversions. So they will all fail on the same NIF

Sometimes, when a Nif File gets edited, and re-edited, and then edited again, and so on, some of the Links in Nif File start to "Skip", and when this happens, when you run the Nif File through EZ NifConverter or whatever, because of those "Skipped" Links, the Nif is considered broken, and when you try to convert it, it will break the converter.

So basically, someone has to fix the broken Links in the Nif File before running it through EZ NIFConverter, or you will continue to have that problem.


CB, is there any way for that to happen? A tutorial or someone who knows how to fix it? I need those fxs for certain powers i have in mind for the next version of the MA expansion pack.


I know I'm kinda new to this aspect of the game, but what about editing an already-converted nif to use the texture you need?  Is there an FX that is just a recolor of the darforce FX, like one of the Phoenix or GL ones?
The Best There Is At What I Do......when I have the time.


It doesnt work most of the times. There is conistency between the core and end.nifs. or example i cant put a green end.nif to darkforce_bird, it doesnt look good. In theory i could ask for someone to recolor it but i dont want to have to do that every time. It's best to learn ho to do it myself and fix those nifs.

Cyber Burn

Tomato wrote a really good tutorial on how to convert "Broken" Skopes and Meshes from  :ff: to  :ffvstr: , I would assume that the same principals would apply to FX Nifs as well. However, I have never gotten around to sitting down and trying this. I will post the tutorial though, it was on the Wiki, and in my Resources Yahoo Group, but since both are gone, I don't know if it's available anywhere else:


Thanks for the tutorial CB however i'm encountering a problem. The tutorial speaks of empty children nods yet i cant find any of those in my darkforce_bird end.nif. There aren't any empty nods.


So, anyone has any ideas how to make the skope tutorial work for nifs? So fari cant see any broken nodes in my end.nifs that need to be replaced although i bet that i'm not very well-versed in those things.


oops, I didn't check the forums lately.
I've never had problems with this proccess, so I'm not sure what is happening with this fx. Send it my way and I'll check it and if I can fix it, I'll post it here again.


Thanks WB. I have no idea why they dont work and the mesh fix doesnt seem to apply. If you manage to make them work, please tell which program you used  :D.

Here is the link:


So wb, is it possible to share here the way to fix the broken fxs that don't convert? If the end.nif cant be converted the. The rootnotetrack cant be transfered.


The thing a lot of nifs are broken and cant seem to converted with EzNifConvert without the program crashing. I have downloaded NPI_Conversion_Pack but i cant seem to make it work. I have replaced the xxxxxxx on txt file with the name of the folder (Darkstar_AA), i have turned the core.nif into a character.nif and put it in the folder and i have saved as  conv_single.bat but it doesnt seem to work. The nif is still the version.