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Keyframe help.

Started by daglob, May 23, 2020, 03:41:45 AM

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I was using the keyframe editor, and when I transferred the animations, they don't show up in CTool in the new keyfames. I used Nifscope to look inside, and the animations are there. Anyone know what might be wrong?


the mesh you transferred the keyframes too probably doesn't have the nodes that are called upon in the new keys.


Yes, i figured this might be the issue when i tried to transfer some kfs in Dagger_AA. It seems something else needs to be transfered as well. DM, do you have anyidea how to fix this?


So the fix for this depends on the version of FF the keyframes were exported for. Since they're unlikely to be converted most of the time (unless they were exported specifically for  :ffvstr: ), you're most likely to be dealing with :ff: anims, but I'll try and find a set of :ffvstr: keyframe set so I can look at those too.

For :ff: , easiest way is to open the keys in nifskope. On the left side (the side with Name, not "Value") click on "NiTextKeyExtraData" and just hold the right arrow button down until the entire tree is open. It should look something like this:

As you can see, on the right (under "Value") are all the nodes the animation is affecting. It's an easy way of seeing what needs to be there without wasting time either flailing around trying to copy over everything. I should note, as I learned the hard way, the nodes are case sensitive... if it calls for "Buckle" and you add a node called "buckle" it won't work.


So. I had to go out and download a set of keys to check this (I think only skopes based on  :ffvstr: only meshes like Ren's Hulk and a few others are gonna have to deal with this) but YEESH trying to determine what nodes a set of  :ffvstr: keys uses is tedious by comparison.

So you have to select the animation, Open up "Controlled Blocks" a little ways down, and then open up each subsection to see what node it controls. On the upside it's likely easier to modify specific nodes (that arrow next to NiKeyframeController will take you directly to the node you're trying to edit) but for trying to get a specific list of nodes to see what needs adding is tedious.


So,  it seems like I have a lot of studying to do between the fx end.nif and this one.  Nifskope isn't my favorite but I will see what I can do.  Thanks Tomato,  I might have some of uestions later on.


Also, Tomato if you see this post your inbox if full man  :thumbup:. I wanted to send you a screenshot on how my keyfframes.nif for MS_Marvel_AA looked for the ranged_5 animation we talked about but i cant so i'm sending it here  :P. My tree looks different as you can see so clearly i did something wrong or extended the wrong branch.


So this is what Benton feels like. Cleaned out two pages of PMs, should be open for awhile now.

Anyway, yeah, that doesn't look right. I'd imagine something went wrong with the transfer, and that's likely why it was crashing. As I said in my PM, at minimum you should see the FF biped.


I know. Which version of Nifskope are you using?


I use 1.1.3 . Honestly, that looks like whatever copied the animation didn't do so correctly, be it nifskope or m25.


I endorse the same version for keyframes.


I want to thank you guys. It isn't that I haven't been appreciative, but I've been sick enough that when I read it, it all says "blah, blah, blah". Hopefully, I'll get better, and I fully intend to use this to try and fix what I asked about.


No need to explain friend, everyone knows what you're dealing with. No expectations.


When I try to save something in nifskope a message appear somethinga bout L175 being the wrong block type? whats up with that?