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Making sure everyone is safe

Started by Tomato, May 31, 2020, 01:42:16 AM

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So I don't want to get into discussions of merit or politics or anything of that sort here, and I want to firmly state this is NOT an invitation for anyone else to talk about what's going on (We have social media, other websites, and rl to discuss such issues, this site is *not* appropriate for that discussion) I just... With everything happening in the us at the moment, the violence, the carnage... I just want to make sure everyone here is doing ok and is safe.



The Greys are safe and sound for the nonce.  Our little town in Arkansas has been a veritable oasis during the pandemic, with very few cases, but now that things have opened back up, the state has the highest growth rate of cases in the country.  So, lovely.  Still, we're being cautious and careful, so I'm hopeful we'll be alright.

Do we have any members in Minneapolis? 
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


We've been fairly low on cases in our area, and no threats to physical safety that I've heard of.  Not that my opinion of my fellow man wasn't already low enough.  So, yes, we're fine.

Quote from: BentonGrey on May 31, 2020, 03:47:14 AMDo we have any members in Minneapolis?

At one time, back in the day, there was an online map of where members had pinned themselves.  I wouldn't even know where to start looking in the archives for that link.  I'm not sure if anyone that still stops by regularly would even still remember it.
The Best There Is At What I Do......when I have the time.


Good on you. I am on both counts. I moved to an isolated home in the desert mainly to get away from the violence in a big city so I'm more than safe. I did live in Minneapolis at one point however and have a few good friends there, they went online and streamed everything. So pretty heartbroken about what they're going through and of course throwing myself into some 3d model projects in the meantime to keep myself from dwelling. And you Tomato? How are you holding up?


I'm good. I live out in Las Vegas, so the closest big time stuff is happening in LA... not that I'm not sure there's stuff going on here too if I were to look it up, but with everything I've been staying indoors anyway.


Fortunately, I live in an isolated area. We have very few (<10) cases here, and I work with less than 5 people in an isolated area. So hopefully I will be okay.  I hope all of you stay safe as well.
For Freedom!

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I live in NYC, so really the epicenter in the US. But we are doing fine. Just being sensible about only going out as needed and taking precautions. We are currently on the downside of the curve now, hopefully it keeps going that way.
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


@Tomato I agree with the safety first and avoid a dangerous place method. I saw the Vegas bit and was a little jarred, well this whole thing is emotional but I'm pretty close, right next to Lake Havasu actually so that was too close to home.


Glad to hear y'all are all okay!

Alex, man, NY must have been pretty crazy these last few months.  I don't envy y'all.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Just bumping this to check in and on everyone given the circumstances. Still not infected or something here but in Arizona and things have totally hit the fan. My little town hasn't been hit yet but's it's a matter of a short time at this rate. Ordered some cost up COVID mask and goggles gear to try and get ahead of the curve. Really scary stuff, praying things level off here. Chatting with nurses online and just the stories they have. Statewide the hospital system itself is facing a full infrastructure collapse scheduled within a one to two week span. I hope everyone else's HQ is fairing better and you're all safe and sickness free.


The board of health says we are 8th in infections and deaths (we were #1). I also live in the zip code with the highest occurrence of cases in the county. And my brother told me he tested positive yesterday, and he was over here 11 days ago. So I get tested tomorrow.

However, other than stuff already mentioned in "Good/Bad/Ugly", everything is fine... for a given value of fine.


I thought about you there for sure, my stepdads brother as well is out there. Man it's something ain't it. I am sorry about your brother. I pray you come back negative.


And we're hit, major break out on Sat. one town over. I guess it's time. Glad I got the gear when I did and glad I have a couple pounds bags of rice and frozen veggies because I officially on lockdown. Plus side more time for FF stuff.


The Greys are fine, but Arkansas is really exploding in infections because everybody is being stupid.  We're being safe though and I'm not too worried.  Glad y'all are okay.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


I ran into stupid when I did that lockdown supply run to the store for groceries and what not. Guy was loudly on about myself and the cashier wearing masks and how dumb we were, touching himself a lot I might add and his wife was picker her nose. He never finished that ramble though, he started coughing and choking profoundly. His wife ran away from him to the other side of the store. I just nodded and sighed and finished my purchase, told the cashier she should bail out and did so myself. My motto is if you think you something is crackpot it might be, who knows, but if it represents a real threat it is worth is to er on the side of caution. Wouldn't be the first time in my life I had been through an event that did actually turn out to be a false alarm yet no one was actually worse for wear by being cautious and life went on then like it never happened. Imo it's just a mask and no different than wearing a scarf in the wind. If it has a deep sea diver helmet or something difficult I'd get it, probably wear one anyways just for the fun of getting to wear one in public but else I guess I don't understand the resistance in this case over a floppy mask.


Yeah, as with so many other things in the last few years, I'm just completely baffled that we've somehow made this an issue.  Since when did abiding by CDC guidelines become controversial? 
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


For real though. I mean I get fear and how it springs denial and how that causes people to run to old bad habits. That's basic psyche there, add stress and we can say the stress is sky high in this sure. It gives reason to a lot of the behavior of people right now especially overall aggression. That said though how many times has anyone say ran in the basement because of a weather warning and then the tornado or whatever skipped out. And did they get upset or feel like they got jipped or something? No, course not. People's reaction is phew, that was a close one and now I smell like the basement, no big deal. And I mean life is the line. Maybe I just don't want to see more good people go, might be what drives me in this but some are my kin so...well so be it.


Well then speaking of I don't know if any of our members live in the Northern Plains section the United States but if so urge you to consider spending the evening in your basement or equivalent as a derecho threat has been issued, and like above if it misses consider the least then that you'd have to deal with is smelling like basement which isn't that big of a deal.


I'm alive and well, even if I have been MIA from my online life dealing with kidney stone removals in the middle of the pandemic mess and dealing with moving my 105 year old grandma into assisted living because of Dementia. The worst blow has been the passing of my wife (of 25 years) due to a pulmonary embolism in her sleep just a few months ago and pretty much have been running on autopilot for awhile.

The good news is recently I have been finally catching up on all my shows and movies that I usually barely have time to keep up with. The bad news is that I also discovered that the Marvel Cinematic Universe Figuarts figures were a long slippery slope to discovering that figure collecting leads to Mezco and then Marvel Legends and now I have 3 glass display cabinets in my studio space. What have I unleashed upon myself?

- CrimsonQuill
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


Hi everyone!  I've been good (my fam too)..just my Migraines and back/neck pain, the usual...LOL!  I've been trying to be careful not to expose myself to the 'Rona, because I have Asthma (I also take care of my parents, in their 70s, and my grandmother, She's 96...they're all vulnerable, so I have to be wary, wear a mask, be very clean, etc...).  I hope everyone is doing well here.  I'll check the thread to see.  It's been a while, since I checked in.



CQ, I'm so sorry for your loss, man.  I can understand what a blow that would be.  I will pray for comfort and healing for you.  It's good to see you here, though.  I'm glad that you are, otherwise, safe and sound.  Yeah, dealing with kidney stones isn't fun in general, and I can imagine it was extra challenging right now!

Dana!  Great to see you, man!  I'm glad that you and yours are doing alright! 

It's good to see old friends still around.  Take care guys!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


My condolences. As always and to everyone for the current events and just for living through this mess.

Mom did get hit by derecho, probably going to be sinister what I'm about to say but no less true. They leave deep in the woods right on a lake so the trees just got obliterated. By sheer luck not a single one hit the house. Mom, stepdad and cat are fine as can be. Stepdad is frustrated, considering putting me in a train to come saw wood but with the virus, well. Anyways both stepsisters were visiting with their boyfriends in tow. I guess the elder ones boyfriend came in stumbling drunk and started calling her names I can't type here and said he was through her more names I can't type here and then that's right when it hit and the trees took out his jeep, which she sent me a photo of with him standing next to it throwing a fit. Anyways I don't really appreciate abusive people, so yeah. I guess Mother Nature just didn't care for the cut of his jib.


So sorry to ehar about your loss CQ. Be good to yourself .
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


Wow SA, that's impressively bad timing on that guy's part, to burn every bridge there, only to then be trapped by the storm.  I'm sorry that your family had to deal with all of that, but yeah, there's a little karmic justice there.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Tomato, I appreciate this topic. First of all, condolences to CQ and his family. Definitely will pray for you.

Things are pretty low key where I am in California, even with all that is going on in the state. Because I had a kidney transplant back in 2018 and I take medication that suppresses my immune system, I have also had to be careful. My transplant actually led to other health issues where I had three extended stays in the hospital and ended up having bowel obstruction surgery and fighting a slew of infections. Thank God that my health actually took a turn for the better this past winter and I haven't had to be in a hospital at all this year. Perfect timing too with the coronavirus. Funny thing is because of all the health issues I've had, I had already been on a mask wearing, hand washing and surface cleaning protocol since the spring of 2019. So it was like I was already being prepared for this.

It is amazing reading through the different posts and seeing that we all are either going through something ourselves or have a loved one who is. I appreciate this topic that allows us to share what we are experiencing.


Glad you're doing okay, VGA.  Yeah, with extra health issues, you've definitely got to be extra careful these days, but I suppose you've already got good habits to fall back on.  Stay safe!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Same here in a manner of speaking VGA. I have a chronic condition, genetic, part of the symptom is a compromised immune system. So I practice these things on the reg. anyways, have a cabinet full of different masks, solutions that cancel various pathogens, pay attention to the situation concerning the commonly known illnesses like the flu and bronchitis and such. So it sort of was no change for me and likewise part of the reason I don't understand the resistance to it. In fact I have asthma and I wear a mask and work around it so double that confusion.


My sincere condolences on your loss, CQ. (Lost my best friend a few months ago, but this doesn't even begin to compare to losing your life partner.)

Best of luck and good health to everyone in these, ahem, interesting times.
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I'm so sorry to hear of your wife's passing, have my sincere conlences.  I lost the love of my life in 2013 and it's been rough, but time heals the pain...slowly. 
