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Fave characters skin request

Started by DRFR0ST, August 03, 2021, 03:10:55 PM

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Hi, you guys are much more talented than me, do you have skins for Blue diamond, Nightraven, Blizzard(Gregor Shapanka) or Albert(Wolverine robot).
I have a skin for Mr Monster but never found a suitable mesh for it.
Still get a thrill from seeing a new skin and putting together batches refilecting a current favourite comic.
Love the Ironman comic at the moment, have most of the villains except for Stiltman, which I wont ask for..difficult character that one.
Side note, have you seen the game Guns4hire, free on APKPure, very similiar to Freedom Force, perhaps how FF could work on a tablet?


Howdy Dr. Frost, and welcome to the forums!  It will often help you get a response if you can provide pictures or links to such for the characters you're requesting.  For example, I don't recognize those names, but I might recognize a skin or mesh if I saw a picture of the character.

Also, Stiltman has actually already been done (I think by Tommyboy).  He's in my Marvel Adventures mod.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Blizzard and Blue Diamond sound familiar

I'm working on a list of meshes and skins, just FF for now, but its up to 5000+ entries already, and still growing.

Check out the list and see what's there;


Deaths Jester

This really should've been in the Requests thread but anyways...

Blizzard is over in C6's section at

The old Skindex had Blue Diamond but I don't have it...and...well...:(

I think Night Raven has been done but am not sure. 

As for Albert, I have not seen anyone do him yet.
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.

Deaths Jester

Quote from: BentonGrey on August 03, 2021, 03:35:52 PM
Howdy Dr. Frost, and welcome to the forums!  It will often help you get a response if you can provide pictures or links to such for the characters you're requesting.  For example, I don't recognize those names, but I might recognize a skin or mesh if I saw a picture of the character.

Also, Stiltman has actually already been done (I think by Tommyboy).  He's in my Marvel Adventures mod.

Texas Jack did the mesh for Stiltman, BG.  >_>
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


I've got 3 Blue Diamonds - the CSN one for male_basic and two for male_basic effects, both by the same unknown skiinner - one blue and one green - maybe C6

Dr Frost and TJ - if you'd like them tell me where to send them.



Sorry about the wrong thread post.
Please send the Blue Diamond skin to SKINNERAJ34@SKY.COM
( name is Skinner but I can't skin!)
Have most of the Invaders but Blue Diamond has never cropped up, can't wait to see them.
Sorry cant seem to post pics, love Ironman villians, the first costume has returned in the current Ironman comic, a classic.
This is an odd one, Nocturne the second version of Nightraven has been done but not the original, could be it's a cult character in the UK only.
This is a runing theme, have elsie-dee but not Albert, it's funny how skins can be random and gaps appear.


Theres a blue diamond in my marvel folder :D

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Texas Jack did a mesh for Mr. Monster too.


Thanks for all your help.
Couldn't find the Texasjack skin.
The Mr Monster mesh is something that has been bugging me for years.
I downloaded a Despero mesh by Hoss20, it included a really complex Mr Monster skin with over 30 pics that didn't really fit with the Despero mesh.
Always hoped I would come across it.


DRFROST, I have the TJ mesh for Mr. Monster. Sent to your email. 
For Freedom!

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Thanks Wyldfyre, haven't seen that one before, looks brilliant.
The strangest thing happened after my last post.
I browsed through Alexff looking for a reverse fin mesh for the Mr Monster skin I have.
One of them was Asbestos man by Daglob, I noticed all the file names matched and after a bit of simple hexing I managed to strip it down to a compatible Mr Monster mesh.
In the read me Daglob wrote that the mesh was based on a Tommyboy mesh, I can't help but think it was a Mr Monster mesh to start with.


Dr Frost, can you send a copy over to me?

Please and thank you!



I can send it to you Random, if you haven't got it yet.
For Freedom!

FF Museum Website:


Sent. Sorry it took so long. Work got in my way.
For Freedom!

FF Museum Website:


No problem. Dr frost sent as well, so its double downloaded
