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City of Heroes Homecoming

Started by Kommando, December 06, 2021, 11:04:52 PM

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Anyone playing? I see MikeB7, Ephemeris, Funeral Pyre, and Verfall on occasion, but for the most part it is me by myself. Just wanted to see if anyone else is still around playing.


I took a heck of a long break, but I plan on returning soon. I've been playing Champions Online since September.

Have logged on *some* of my CoH characters recently, but that was just to check on their inventories, not to actually play.


I might still have a build for you, though I might have to redo it since I have leveled up.



I still play a bit on the Excelsior server. I see Ephemeris there. Once in a while Verfall and Funeral Pyre.


I'm on reunion, but uits nice to have people to play with


I've been way too busy with real life to play.



I'm still there. I never left. It's pretty much just me there. :D


That was good news to see that NCSoft gave official permission for them to continue. Not that NCSoft had any real reason not to, but there is always a temptation just to say no. Good on them for giving an official thumbs up to fans keeping the game alive. And good on the Homecoming team for pursuing this, as it was probably a lot of work.
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard. - Jeremy Goldberg