Running(/continuing) Freedom Force as a TTRPG

Started by docdelorean88, October 27, 2022, 11:11:47 PM

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Sorry if this has been posted previously, I did a quick search and couldn't find much. Does anyone have any suggested TTRPG systems they think would fit the feeling and mechanics of Freedom Force? From a handful of reviews I've read, Mutants & Masterminds seems like a decent fit but I'm not positive? Any thoughts?
"Roads, Where we're going we don't need... Roads"


Mutants and Masterminds 3e could certainly work, but you are not going to get any sort of direct conversion from one system to the other.


That totally makes sense, just wasn't sure if anyone had any personal experience that felt similar, as I've never played any superhero TTRPG.
"Roads, Where we're going we don't need... Roads"


You probably know this one, but you could always use the old classic Marvel Super Heroes RPG since many people here use it as base for creating hero files.


Quote from: mac402 on November 01, 2022, 05:49:46 PM
You probably know this one, but you could always use the old classic Marvel Super Heroes RPG since many people here use it as base for creating hero files.

This is a GREAT idea! I actually hadn't thought of this, gosh it was right in front of me lol
Thank you for the suggestion!
"Roads, Where we're going we don't need... Roads"