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Screen Size Question...

Started by cmdrkoenig67, January 06, 2023, 04:28:11 AM

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I can?t recall how to adjust the screen size of the game for the game for the screen I?ve got (I?m currently borrowing me mum?s screen, because she doesn?t use her computer much, anymore). This one is 18 inches (diagonally, of course). The game image I?m getting is cut off on one side (the left, photo below). Could somebody give me an assist?




If everything else looks alright when you run it, the only suggestion I can make is trying to run it in windowed mode

1) Create a shortcut to the executable

2)right click on the shortcut and select "properties"

3) on "target" put this in - ""G:\Freedom Force 3R\ffvt3r.exe" -w" to start in windowed mode.

If I remember, I used widowed mode fro screen shots as it wouldn't work in full screen.

I haven't tried it, but below the "target" line is  a choice to run normal, minimized, or maximized size. You might try these to see if it helps.


Thanks RD, I?ll give them a try.




That looks like more of a hardware size issue. If the monitor has a button for a menu, there should be an option to adjust screen size on the monitor itself. It looks like the screen is stretching past the edges on all sides.

I 'think' windowed mode will still be outside the edges.
For Freedom!

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That's what I was thinking, but if all other programs look fine, then i might mess them up. Windowed mode might be able to be grabbed and moved

On my computer at least, windowed mode is centered on the screen  so it might be moved enough to work.


Quote from: WyldFyre on January 07, 2023, 01:32:22 PM
That looks like more of a hardware size issue. If the monitor has a button for a menu, there should be an option to adjust screen size on the monitor itself. It looks like the screen is stretching past the edges on all sides.

I 'think' windowed mode will still be outside the edges.

Oh, I?ll check for that too, Wyldfyre.

Thank you,




Hi guys,

The windowed mode option worked, it?s just tiny now (but the screen isn?t all that by (I?ve got to go and buy myself a new screen, a nice new big one)...LOL! I did find the menu options on the screen too, Wyldfyre, but they didn?t do much in the way of altering the screen settings (other than brightness, warmth/coolness, etc...). Thank you both.



P.S. I hate using quotes or apostrophes here and have them turn into question marks on my phone, every darn foolish.


Make sure that the game resolution in the game options is maxed at 1280x800 (or whatever you want it to be,). You'll have to close the game and then reopen it with the shortcut to see the size change


For Freedom!

FF Museum Website:


Quote from: Randomdays on January 08, 2023, 11:16:46 AM
Make sure that the game resolution in the game options is maxed at 1280x800 (or whatever you want it to be,). You'll have to close the game and then reopen it with the shortcut to see the size change

Oh right...Thank you, RD.



I adjusted the in-game settings a few times and got the screen window bigger (the first few times, it was too big, LOL!), but now it?s nicely workable. I totally forgot about the in-game screen adjustment settings, my memory is just that bad.

Thanks guys.



Glad you got it working right. I'm glad that we can even play with all the new hardware and software versions that have come out in the last 20 years.


I agree. Thankfully, it?s still playable and not rendered obsolete by new software. We?re able to enjoy it still, which is great, because both games (the first and the sequel) are such fun games.
