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Another wish list

Started by Randomdays, October 07, 2023, 01:46:13 PM

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I've asked for a few characters over the years, and was able to get a few thanks to some good people here.

With the state of the forum and the creators here, this will probably be my final request to see if I can get some characters created. I'm not hoping for too much to be done, but anything answered would be nice.

So, one last time, for all the good old times....

1) DC -

   a) I've got a Travis from the Warlord series, but no other characters

2) Marvel -   

Missing Link #2 - Hulk # 105 -

Pysclop - Avengers #88 -

Kaluu -

Tyrannus - Hulk#5 -

Zom - Strange Tales # 156 -

Yandroth - Strange Tales #164 -

Calizuma - Defenders #2 -

Karthon the Questor - Sub Mariner #9 -

Naga - Sub Mariner #9 -

3) Other -

   A) Jonny Quest - Jade would be nice

   B) Birdman - Birdgirl!

   C) Space Ghost - Metallus

   D) Blackstar - Trobbits, the Vizier

   E) Pirates of Dark Water - Ren, Tula, Ioz, Niddler. Bloth

   F) Conan the Adventurer - Conan, Needle, Zula, Jesmine, Greywolf, Snagg, Falkenar, Wrath Amon, Skulkar, Windfang, Mesmira, Dregs

Thanks for even looking at the list


When I've finished this pack I'm working on I'll look at some of these. I'm pretty sure I have some of them partially done anyway.

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


To add a little more -

Smart Alec Hex by Flash22798


Ulysses Bloodstone

A couple of these have been done, but not all that I know of;


I've got an Elric mesh by Zuludelta, based off of the taskmaster_cordless mesh, with a skin by Kommando from back in '03.  Or were you looking for something more updated?
The Best There Is At What I Do......when I have the time.


That's the probably the only one ever done. That'll be fine if you can send it over.


The Best There Is At What I Do......when I have the time.


Flash Gordon - I've got a couple of different Flash's and Can probably make some of the classic ships I though there were a few of the other characters out there for FF but couldn't find them.

So - Dale, Zarkov, Ming, Princess Aura, Prince Barin, the hawkmen, etc

Buck Rogers - the 1979 version. I can do the starfighters and maybe the pirate ships, the Asimov, Ranger 3, and Twiki.

So - Buck, Wilma, Dr Huer, Princess Ardalla, Kain, Tiger Man, Hawk, etc


I've done a couple of teens.

In my DC folder.

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Thanks Dean!

I take it that's Clark Kent, Dick Grayson and Pete Ross, correct?


"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Updated the 1st post to remove the male teens.

Panther - checked my aol email and didn't see Elric. Sent to my aol email acount with my forum name up front?


Yup, sent on the 12th @ 10:13 p.m. (PST).  Pulled the address from a list of addresses I've used in the past to avoid typos.  It had a Subject (Elric), but no text in the body.

Haven't gotten any Undeliverable errors or other kick-backs.
The Best There Is At What I Do......when I have the time.


I'll check again, but didn't see it anywhere



Panther - found it - it was in spam since it didn't like the file link

I was able to grab it - thanks!


I'm looking at blackstar and was thinking is there anything that could be used as his distinctive sword? Doubles up for overlord too.

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Great news Dean!

I might be able to modify an existing sword in Blender. If I remember the Overlord's sword was just a mirror image of the other one since they were two halves of a whole.

Another small update to the 1st post removing Blip


If you can do the sword i'll start the skopes/skins :thumbup:

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


I'll start work on it tomorrow I think. Shouldn't be too difficult I think.


I have the blackstar AND HERE IS THE FILE!

I have some characters lined up from the initial list:


Good job Cranlox!. Dean, that looks pretty good and should be what you need


I'm lurking here today. I'm not familiar enough with the characters to be comfortable making them though. I was making a Blackstar along with He-Man (modelled that sword like 2 years ago and it's sitting on my thumb drive) but someone else started one here so I halted mine to focus on other things, MOTU and TMNT mainly. Animating nunchaku chains manually, let me tell you about that nightmare sometime. Literally what's the hold up on all that.

I know who Dorma is, I read some of those books. I considered a model back when but also scrapped it to work on other stuff. Looking at the design you could easily just texture one of Gren's girls. All you would need is a scalloped collar piece which I believe is on one of Tommyboy's DC or Marvel Atlantean characters. "Maybe" Ocean Master?

One of my Lanterns or more has a head though exactly like that Psyklop you could just swap. I remember I made those Nif's so that the heads are separate from everything so they can be skoped easily to other bodies. You'll have to scroll but it will be the one with the big eyeball, obviously.


thanks SA. I'll put it on the list of things to look at if no else does.


I've finished blackstar and overlord, but having trouble getthing the sword texture to show.

I will add it to my random folder and anybody can tinker with them.

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Dean  - fixed the Blackstar nifs and sent them back to you

the sword was looking for the texture in a folder on Cranlox's harddrive - without the folder the texture wasn't showing.

Also, on Overlord, there was a male_basic_lightmap attached to it, making the sword very shiny. Removed the reference to the lightmap and both characters look good now.

In nifscope, sometimes you can't see what you need to see in normal "tree" view of the nif.

up top under the view tab, change "block list" from "show blocks in tree" to "show blocks in list" and you can see more data for extra pieces like the sword that you couldn't see before. Change it back to "tree" view for normal viewing

Awesome job on both by the way!

Updated the top entry to reflect the new characters.



Thank you. I've updated the files in my folder, I'm hoping to release some stuff tomorrow.

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Great Dean! Looking forward to what you've got coming