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A different type of skinning

Started by Kommando, April 14, 2024, 05:40:01 AM

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Ok here's a task do all the X-Men 97 cast in their cartoon style on their appropriate meshes  :thumbup:  :cool:
The Ultimate Fan!


This is all INCREDIBLY impressive
"Roads, Where we're going we don't need... Roads"


Quote from: style on April 21, 2024, 07:22:21 AMOk here's a task do all the X-Men 97 cast in their cartoon style on their appropriate meshes  :thumbup:  :cool:

I haven't seen it. I'm horrible at watching shows. I've watched one TV series this year, the last season of Disenchantment. I might try an X-man at some point.

Quote from: docdelorean88 on April 21, 2024, 07:25:40 PMThis is all INCREDIBLY impressive

Thanks kindly.

Blue is coming along slowly, but she has a new face.


As others have said, this is very nice work.
For Freedom!

FF Museum Website:


Thanks. I'm using this design for inspiration for some pieces.



Building the costume, piece by piece.


"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Its a skinning renaissance!!!! Great work! :thumbup:
The Ultimate Fan!


For fun I decided to run the skin through I can definitely use parts of this, plus the face turned out much better than expected.


For the body, if you just took the right half and mirrored it over that would would look good


I'll be mirroring parts but not all. If you look at the previous images you can see I've been working on mostly one side.


I still have quite a bit to do, but I got a lot done tonight.


This is what the skin currently looks like. The bikini line, some boot details, some glove details, and various parts of the body are airbrushed by hand. As you can see, I haven't done anything with the sides of her head yet, since the mapping is originally for hair and not a head. So I'll worry about fixing her hair later. The mesh doesn't have ears, so there's that too. Heh.


I did some more detail work on Blue's base skin. I fixed up the butt and crotch, and the gloves and some skin parts. I'm at a point where I can work on other pieces. I pieced it together with placeholder skins so you can see how she should look.

It gives a bit of an idea of how she should look in game.


I completely remade Blue's cape.


I'm working on the skirt now. It's coming along nicer than I expected.


I think the skirt is about as good as it's going to get in-game. I had to fix a lot of it by hand, but it seems to work. I might change the texture a bit more, and I am tempted to remove the belt, though I will texture the belt first to see how it looks. The last image is the texture of the skirt itself. There's not a lot of room to work with.


I was dumb and using the wrong game.


This is a really interesting way to skin. It reminds me a lot of some of Volsung's work, I wonder if this is the method he used?

In any event, looking good! I am going to check out Hulk soon in game. Great work!
For Freedom!

FF Museum Website:



God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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The clipping is a bit unfortunate but I think the belt turned out okay. I had to do most of it by hand. The AI made the buckle and enhanced some of the texture but I couldn't get it to make a proper belt. For one, the shape has weird mirroring. So I made it by hand with shapes and airbrush and then enhanced with Krea and then more airbrush. I'm still tempted to remove it from the mesh completely. Maybe I'll do that and just include two character NIFs so the player can choose.


Working on her hair. I'm happy I got the front to work. I need to try and smooth out the texture a bit and fix my ugly clone brushing.


I think the belt looks good. I think the hair is very nice as well. The whole skin is coming along rather nicely.

Re: The belt; multiple nifs would be a good way to let people choose their preference. I have found a lot of instances of this in going over files for the museum.
For Freedom!

FF Museum Website:


Belt looks great!

Unrelated, id be very curious to see one of the Freedom Forcers done in your style! This is truly gorgeous work
"Roads, Where we're going we don't need... Roads"


I started making some sort of mantle piece so that the cape would look better. I'm not sure I like it, but I'll fix it up and sharpen the edges and see how it looks.


Not liking the mantle too much, but I realize its a work in progress

Looking at the pigtails, its bothering me a bit how low poly they look. I'm thinking of going back in and smoothing out the angles on them so they look better.

I can also add small rings at the base of each if you don't just want to do them by texture

Everything else is looking great.