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Free Comic Book Day 2024

Started by Randomdays, May 04, 2024, 03:14:50 PM

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May 4th is Free comic book day for this year. Just got back with the 5 my store allowed.

There was a good crowd and I actually had to wait in line to get to the tables. Lots to choose from.

It looks like Marvel was pushing their "Blood Hunt" storyline and I didn't want to get involved with that. Wound up not getting any mainstream Marvel or DC titles

1) Dynamite came out with a Jonny Quest. As a big fan from the 60's on, I had to get that.

2) Titan came out with a Conan book that looks good. Savage Sword is coming back and it looks like they're going to do some other Howard characters as well - Dark Agnes, Solomon Kane and El Borak

3) Marvel did a Star Wars with two stories from the classic Episode 4 days - Luke,Leia and Vader

4) For the other 2 I picked up an Archie title "The Cursed Library" and a Snoopy book. Just because

If you can get to your local store today, if you have one, go grab some books.


Just got done reading the 5 books. A bit disappointed with JQ as as I think I can already tell where the stories headed, and if so not one I'm looking forward to.

Interesting enough though is that only half the book is JQ. The other half are previews of two other Dynamite series - Thundercats and Space Ghost. I'm tempted to pick them up, But I think I'll just avoid getting started with new series right now. Since I've spent a lot of time on Space Ghost recently its interesting to see him making a comeback

Space Ghost doesn't look bad and it starts with an origin story. I'm wondering how Dynamite got to do him and JQ though, since both are HB characters now owned by Warner Bros/ DC comics.

Conan, JQ, and Star Wars either start off new story lines to be continued on, or tie into existing ones in other comics.