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Started by hmarrs, December 05, 2011, 07:34:20 PM

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First I want to say I'm excited the site is back up.
I was here close to ten years ago then signed back on somtime last Febuary.
Then the site went down.Thank you to all who made it come back alive.

I want to ask a question.I asked this question years ago and apparently back then it was close to impossible.
However with advances that have been made maybe now it is.

Any who.He it is.I really am not a big RPG person.(No Offense it just slows down the action for me)
So I wondered is there anyway to make to game playable by applying certain buttons(Moves) on the keyboard
to create certain moves and maybe have to up and down keys move the Character kind of like a standard type and certain keys do certain moves?

Maybe even allowing or having the ability to use my game pad that I have connect to my PC.
I know maybe you guys are like if he doesn't like RPG why don't he play another game?
It's just that I love Freedom Force and it's ability to be modified and use different skins.
I just a matter of preferance.Sorry if this is a stupid question but does anyone know what I mean has anyone outside of myself ever asked this question before.
Thanks :wacko: :blink:
Also can it be done?And if so WHO????? and How?


If i recall, someone accomplished this using a program called x-padder. There was a thread about it


Oh my goodness does anyone know where I can find this thread? :banghead:


There are two FF related games being developed right now:

One at Alex's Freedom Fortress (

and one on this very forum (


i plan on duplicating a lot of ff, but more customizable, and the controls are switchable, between fps and rts with a simple toggle. the only thing really holding me back right now are maps. i need a mapmaker!


Wow I hope we can make it happen.
Does anyone know who accomplished this before?


I was able to get it to work with x-padder.
However is there a way to make the character move forward  about the game
without having to click on the location with the mouse.Have them move just by
using the left or right,up or down the arrows keys?