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G7's art pool

Started by Guardian7, September 09, 2013, 08:19:22 PM

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Just want to flex my skills a little. Some of this is not very recent. But I thought some of you might enjoy it.

My queen of darkness

her upgraded version

Mock cover for a written/fiction rpg

and finally this guy...

If I get time... I might post more. Especially if I can get my DC-game to flow right.



I'm a sucker for mock covers. Good job & keep the art coming!



Quote from: MJB on September 11, 2013, 10:56:33 AM
I'm a sucker for mock covers.

Me too. I think your Queen of Darkness and Godzilla is pretty good too.

Cyber Burn

Very nice art collection, I like the mock cover (And the original characters), and am looking forward to seeing more.


Here is a pic of the women or heroines from Villains and Vigilantes.

A mud covered Statue of Liberty from my time in the prose RPG SHHH

My character flamehawk... I love his look

and lastly... a team in the most recent online RPG I am a part of... and have been neglecting. The Argonauts

Laters and Thanks for all of the very nice comments. Big fan of mock covers as well...




hello G7! you show very nice covers and characters here , and i like the fact you don't have afraid of describe  the characters in the scenerys, however, especially the covers, look a little unfinished(at least to me) so i think you could spend some more time on them just to "sharpen" things little more.
good job!


All the covers are made directly from my pencils... I rarely ink these days and backgrounds though fun can be a pain.

Here is one with some backgrounds in it...

Centaur comic''s...

a mock cover for my favorite Marvel heroine!!! (By the way... I truly despise Rogue... A lot)

Oh and I did happen to have a couple images of skins...

Marvel's Blue Diamond and DC's Original Harliquinn


I think that should show a little of what I am capable of. Thanks to C6.




That Savage Land background looks great and so does the Liberty Legion. It would definitely be another nice mock cover. Love the original characters like Solarman and Flamehawk. It would be nice to see the other original characters in your mock covers in similar single portraits. And since you can skin, maybe you have skins of these original characters? If ever, I would be interested in seeing those too.  :)

Cyber Burn

Wow, that Ms. Marvel mock-up is fantastic.


Hey, is that Frank Thomas' Solarman from Centaur Comics?


Thanks for all the nice comments.

As far as my covers looking unfinished... well I basically sharpened and adj'd the contrast to make my pencils look like inks (Very lazy of me)... why they look washed out is I had a monitor that was going on me and I didn't realize it. I kept thinking I was making the covers too dark... when in fact the screen was the problem... not my original ideas and colors. Imagine my surprise when I looked at my supposedly finished artwork on someone else's computer and saw it looked all washed out.

I am a HUGE HUGE fan of Ms Marvel... I also happen to despise Rogue (X-Men). One of the pure joys of Freedom Force is I have smackdown sessions between the two. I have never forgiven Rogue (since 1986) for what she did to Carol (Ms M)... I am such a grudge holder.

SOLARMAN: Yes... that is him in the original (wrong) colors I found him in on the net. I actually prefer them over his true colors so when I drew him I gave them to him.

limited time today. Don't have time to do the addy thing. But there will be more guys.



Here are some of DC's Global Guardians that I have done.

First is Wild Huntsman... Okay, I am not really impressed with how this turned out and I believe I am going to modify the Thor_Gren who looks unbelievably like the Wild Huntsman... Only I have to give him an Ax... and a Shield. But this one that I did turned out nicely enough.

Next is Tautara... He has been done before... but I decided to use the fin-head BM to make him. He looks rather sharp and I prefer the scaled uniform to the ones I have seen of him in the flat green.

Onto... Owlwoman, My least favorite member of the team and the easiest to make from an existing character. Dawnstar (Legion) have a very similar look, Only Dawn is yellow and Owl is standard brown. She looks good though.

My first favorite that I created in this batch is the Greek Hero Olympian. I had to add the ram horns to him. But that was easy enough and I think except for the fact that the cloak should look a bit more puffy and less edgy... He turned out fantastic.

The next little gem is Little Mermaid. I wish there was a way for me to transform her with a tail (Like one from the FB Mermaid mesh)...  but that is no biggie. This is an altered Namorita chara as the both have a lot of similar visually physical traits as well. I am happy with this, Especially the collar and mask.

lastly is the ever gorgeous Godiva. Who is made from the Madame Medusa mesh. Though the hair is a bit chaotic and I wish it was a bit more tame. It is certainly is better than anything that I could do with my meager skills.
Anyhow... here is Lady Godiva

Just thought you all might be entertained by this.


I really like Tuatara...