Double XP Weekend is active - now til Sunday night

Started by MikeB7, March 04, 2010, 02:03:18 PM

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Just a reminder for anyone who may have forgot.  Get yer expees on!


Awesome I can level my pew! pew! blaster to 50 in no time, then complain i have nothing to do.
PROTIP: If you?re going to build a robot that can think for itself and then make it do menial labor, don?t make it twice your size, indestructible, and strong enough to pick you up and use your body to beat your friends to death. Alas, such is ever the folly of man.


Quote from: B A D on March 04, 2010, 04:00:37 PM
Awesome I can level my pew! pew! blaster to 50 in no time, then complain i have nothing to do.

Don't forget to blame Paragon Studios for your boredom and file a complaint with the BBB.


Every time a Hammyo'ed MoG scrapper falls to an elec snipe in the arena, an angel gets his wings


Is this a free weekend, too?

My account's currently inactive while I take a break from CoH, but I might be interested in getting a quick fix if it's a free weekend :)
STO/CO: @bluegeek


PROTIP: If you?re going to build a robot that can think for itself and then make it do menial labor, don?t make it twice your size, indestructible, and strong enough to pick you up and use your body to beat your friends to death. Alas, such is ever the folly of man.


This is bad.  It's also report card writing weekend and I got some new music creation software delivered today.



Apparently 30 months of patches take a while to download.
I do not hold grudges against those who argue with me. If you disagree with me, it can only be because I have not made the correct understanding clear to you. Thus, your ignorance is my fault, not yours.

Let us work together to correct it.



I'd like to check it out - one of the reasons I quit CoX, besides the repetition getting old and there being almost no endgame is because it ran a bit too slow (loading times were a royal pain and were the main problem) on my old computer. But I can't find my CoH disk, even though I know its still around here somewhere, so I can put it on this computer and my old one is in no condition to run it (no internet connection on it and one of the memory sticks went bad). Maybe next time....


You don't need the disk.  Just download the client from the main website and it will download the rest.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on March 07, 2010, 03:11:34 AM
You don't need the disk.  Just download the client from the main website and it will download the rest.

Figured that out and am downloading it now, but its going to take over 2 hours to download, and Iam guessing that's not including all the patches. Yikes!


I had to get the whole game downloaded and it didn't take long at all. But I went to see Alice in Wonderland while it was going.


Yeah, the download went faster than I thought it would, and included all the patches.

I've puttered around in it some, but after playing a bit on a couple of different characters I've realized I haven't missed it all that much.

Tawodi Osdi

I am so tempted to give this game a try.  I tried to do the free demo, but apparently, I have to have a Cedega membership to run it on Linux, but I have other reasons for getting Cedega.  I am just not sure if it is worth the rush.


The free weekend and double XP are now over, so take your time making your decision, Tawodi.

I love the game. Before this weekend I had not truly played for 6 months and I missed it. I recommend the game but it's not for everyone. You will just have to try one of the 15 day free trials to see if it's right for you. :thumbup:


I tried one of those trials not too long ago myself.  Now I'll probably need a 12 step program if I ever want to stop.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


My PB hit 50 this weekend.

But my widow didn't.

So now I've reactivated.

Sneaky, how they get you to come back.