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AVATARS:histories & powers

Started by herodad1, December 26, 2010, 09:51:49 PM

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theres so many avatars in FF, i'd like to know more about each one. maybe anybody interested could showcase their character here with a description of their powers and alittle back story. my character of course is named HERODAD1. he has superhuman strength, endurance, near-invulnerability, and flight. i dont have a backstory yet but if the link works here's a picture. skin by Hitman and mesh by Ren. src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


I think I've got my stuff in the Permissions thread.



Real Name: Jonathan Hansburg
Other Aliases: Firelord
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 162 lbs
Trans-Human: C
Threat Level: 7
Country of Origin: United States
Affiliations: Influx
Universe: Teknos

Powers and Abilities:
Although his power is often mistaken as flame control, Tomato's real power is the manipulation of heat. By visualizing "heat magnets", Hansburg can pull the flames into the shapes or positions he wants. And though this still means he cannot create fire without the aid of his equipment, he can still "enhance" conditions under which fire might emerge.

This ability, however, is somewhat limited. Excluding dire situations, Tomato's power is limited to only a handful of heat magnets. This results most often in general masses of flames, rather then in a more artistic creation, such as a dragon. However, with practice Jonathan was able to use these magnets to "repel" a current of heat from one side of the magnet to another, allowing him to fly.

Tomato's attire is made from a flame-retardant material, which both protects him from the heat pushed at him during flight, and prevents his clothes burning off when he's swinging fireballs about. However, the most notable aspect of his outfit is that on the fingers of both gloves is a metallic material abrasive enough that, when Hansburg's fingers are snapped, it creates sparks that Tomato can expand into more flames.


Jonathan Hansburg had always been inspired by superheroes, even well before the reports of costume-clad vigilantes that signaled the rise of modern day heroism. So, it was no surprise that when the first heroes began to emerge Jonathan joined other enthusiasts in chronicling their every move. These "Fans of Freedom" continued to grow in popularity and skill for several months, until Jonathan was asked to investigate rumors of pre-modern superheroes in ancient Europe.

After following several false leads and blatant tourist traps, Hansburg decided to take a break and tour an old Catholic temple that had been built during the Dark Ages. However, he was separated from the rest of the tour, and accidentally smashed one of the electric lights that had been strewn throughout the temple. Within seconds, the entire wall had burst into flame.

Fearful for his life, Jonathan almost fled... but was stopped when the wall was extinguished as suddenly as it had ignited. The flames, having apparently burned away the wooden support holding a section of the wall upright, revealed to Jonathan a secret passage hidden within the temple. Inside, he found a single orb, which, when touched, granted him the power to control flame.

After spending a year learning to control his gifts, Jonathan returned to America, determined to join the premier hero group, The Gamma Patrol!


thanks Tomato! just wanted a thread where if someone wanted to research all our avatars they'd be in one place. i like exploring the imaginations of others. awsome history and cool( hot ) powers! hope we get more. :thumbup:


Quote from: herodad1 on December 27, 2010, 04:04:16 AM
thanks Tomato! just wanted a thread where if someone wanted to research all our avatars they'd be in one place. i like exploring the imaginations of others. awsome history and cool( hot ) powers! hope we get more. :thumbup:

Oh, that's what you want. I also find that the Avatar's Permission thread is in the Archives, so:

NAME: The Glob
HEIGHT: Varies, but around 6'
WEIGHT: Varies, but around 150 lbs.
SECRET ID: Varies. Thinks he was once Dr. Michael Vernon, but since Dr. Vernon is dead, he does not usually assume that ID. Has taken on the appearance of actors James Stewart, Cary Grant, Tony Curtis, Vincent Price, Clark Gable, Marilyn Monroe, Bob Hope, Danny Kaye, Groucho Marx, William Powell, Jack Benny, Betty Davis, Bela Lugosi, Douglas Fairbanks Sr., Humphrey Bogart, Peter Lorre, and nearly every character ever played by Lon Chaney Sr. He insist that he does not do Tom Sellek. At these times, he has given names that are often variations on the actor's real name: Archie Leach, Bernie Schwartz, Jeanie Baker, Les Towne, Dan Komminsky, Julius Marks, DeForest Bogey, Lester Lowenstein, etc.
HERO TYPE: Android assassin with the memories of a murdered man. He would rather be a stand-up comedian.
ORIGIN: The Glob was originally number 13 in a series of android "super-soldiers". He was a Tankerbogus class (a tankerbogus is supposed to be a shape-shifting demon, and where the word "bogus" comes from) assassin android. He awoke a week early with two sets of memories: those of the regular assassin droid, and those of Dr. Michael Vernon, the unwilling head of Project Cadmus, the program that was building the androids. He found DR. Vernon's lifeless body in the decanting room. Upon the body was a wallet with over a thousand dollars in it and a piece of paper which was written a single word in Dr. Vernon's handwriting: "RUN!"
For several years The Glob dodged government agencies after the rogue assassin droid. They were distracted by a REAL rogue assassin droid (#12) that was creeping through Europe killing people indiscriminately.
Eventually, through the actions of several members of a team of super heroes he had taken up with, he managed to buy himself at a government auction
POWERS: Shape shifter. Can assume any shape he can imagine up to 16 times his volume, more for as long as he is able to stand the strain. He can assume sizes down to one-eighth his volume, again slightly smaller for limited periods of time. He can stretch approximately 35 meters easily; slightly farther under stress. His body has no internal organs, and is composed of a synthetic flesh that is highly resilient. He can vary his pigmentation, grow extra limbs, wings, fins, hooves, tentacles, heads, eyes, whatever. He cannot duplicate "chrome" metallic textures, but that is about the limit. He can alter his vocal cords and speech apparatus to mimic nearly any sound and nearly any voice. In addition, he can "harden" parts of his body and produce razor sharp edges that constantly renew their sharpness, or harden his hands into clubs or mallets. He also has a form of "x-ray vision" that works on mass sensitivity, and due to having no central cerebral processor (brain) he is harder to mentalists to target. He is immune to most gas, chemical, and biological weapons, can survive in a vacuum, under water, but will freeze if he spends too much time below 0 degrees Farenheight, and will melt if subject to extreme heat (250 degrees centigrade).
PERSONALITY: The Glob often acts like a clown to make people forget that he is basically designed to turn into your best friend and walk up to you and kill you.


(I love the Glob. What an awesome character!)

Everything you'll ever want to know is here

Reep the Barbarian

In short, the first Reep the Barbarian is an ancient legend. A Barbarian who became the emperor of a land called Nymm following a devastating war. But Reep was just a puppet to the true power behind the throne, a demon called Naazkorath and the witch-queen whom he married, Saira. When a rebellion led by Reep's previous brother-in-arms Raphael and his missing son Kast struck against his headquarters, his reign of terror came on an end. Upon killing his son, he found a change of heart and turned against Naazkorath. He defeated his demonic general, and surrendered himself to death from the rebels. Legend say that his soul remains intact within an obsidian sword.

Eidolon's original costume, Reep II

In modern days, a young man named Reuben Black took the identity Eidolon and used his darkforce powers to fight crime. He investigated a group called the circle of the Hellion. His investigations led him to the ancient sunken citadel of Nymm, to the very place that Reep had given his life. There he met a powerful witch named Hekabe and leader of the circle. Unable to defeat her, he found himself for the first time thrust into the shadow realm where he met the embodiment of Reep the Barbarian who granted him his power. Awakening back in the real world, the legendary obsidian sword was in his hands and the power and identity of the Barbarian was in him.

But he was lied to. Hekabe, actually Saira, the witch queen of Nymm, had not preserved Reep's soul within the sword, but Naazkorath's. Eidolon was a puppet to bring back the hellion warlord and resume their tyrannical plans. Eidolon, naming himself Reep the Barbarian, uses an unknowable power to bring imperial control back to the world.


   Blkcasanova sent me this history/powers description of his avatar. pretty cool. hope you dont mind me putting it in this thread casanova. :)

"I had been working out a history for "Casanova"'s pretty lengthy at this point and I need to edit it but the bullet points are...Meta Human former "James Bond" type espionage agent....wealthy background and now is in charge of a small but very well connected private sector security/counter-intellegence firm and an "A-Team" like unit to run jobs that no one else will do.
              His powers are 3 fold...ocular, vocal and glandular; with his ocular ability he is able to hypnotize a person that made direct eye contact for short periods of time, he also could modulate his vocal harmonics in a way that allowed him issue commands on a subconscious level, compelling obedience in others that they cannot resist, whether they are consciously aware of the attempt or not. This control can be as subtle as influencing thoughts and motivations, or as strong as forcing physical actions in the target, the third is a pheromonal emission that upon inhalation pacifies the intended target also giving them a "slight" feeling of euphoria. This combination of abilities could "control" almost any person (particularly the opposite sex...hence the nickname "Casanova") and even extends to some animals."


No worries HD. ;) This is something I've done and redone over and over for years. I'll finish up my history soon and post it with a current "look" for Black Casanova.
I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!


very cool thread,I also love to see other forum members original characters,the avatars on this forum would make a very cool comic universe on the basis of originality alone.Great job on the avs and their backstory Glob,Reepicheep & Tomato :cool:
Many thanks Herodad for starting this thread.


Here's the Casanova's history and the last drawing I did of him from a couple of years back.

Character Profiles
Real Name: Lucius "Luke" Marcelle
Other Aliases: Black Casanova, Casanova
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 175 lbs
Country of Origin: United States
Affiliations: C.I.A, Freedom Force, Champions of Freedom(Founder)

Equipment: Casanova generally has a Gloc-19 on his person at most of the time he is in field and also favors a heavily modified version of the TAR-21 assault rifle. He also has a holographic computer interface built into his watch and glasses. But with his C.I.A access and his own personal contacts Casanova can put his hands on just about any kind of ordinace or state of the art equipment that he needs at any given time with no problem.

History and Powers:
      From the day that he was born Lucius Marcelle was different than most children. Luke was born to Antoine Marcelle, founder & C.E.O of an American multimedia conglomerate and his mother Ryka Demetraides a South African fashion model. Luke was an extremely intelligent child...teaching himself read at age 2... to play the piano by age 4...he tested with a genius level IQ. At age 12 like most "Xer's" Luke's powers began to emerge. (Meta-Human: slang - "Xer" a term describing a being born with superhuman abilities correlating with Earth's exposure to Energy X during the 1960's. Less than .005% of Earth's population developed abilities and 40% of that number reside in the United States.) He is considered an "alpha"...exhibiting several abilities at once. Luke's abilities are 3 fold...ocular, vocal and glandular; with his ocular ability he is able to hypnotize a person that makes direct eye contact for short periods of time (approximately 20-25 minutes). Secondly he can modulate his vocal harmonics in a way that allows him issue commands on a subconscious level, compelling obedience in others that they cannot resist, whether they are consciously aware of the attempt or not. This control can be as subtle as influencing thoughts and motivations, or as strong as forcing physical actions in the target. And third is a pheromonal emission that upon inhalation pacifies the intended target also giving them a "slight" feeling of euphoria. With this combination of abilities young Luke can "control" almost any person and even extended to animals.

But with all he could do Luke was extraordinarily disciplined...learning how to use his powers mostly on his own and also restraining himself from using them on most people. He graduated High School at age 15 and then college by age 20 with MA's in linguistics, psychology and computer science. His parents were killed in an automobile accident shortly after his graduation from college. It was at this point he was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency. Because he was a registered "Xer" his powers were known to the government and he was the perfect candidate for clandestine services. He was given even more specialized training than others in his class...building him up physically and mentally. Paramilitary training...combat, weaponry, and warfare training. HALO (high altitude, low opening) parachute falls, sniper courses, and intensive hand to hand combat. Also captivity and sensory deprivation training were employed as well as "on the spot" problem solving drills. Luke was also encouraged to use his abilities in staged scenarios to test the limits of what he could do focusing on seduction, suggestion and physical control. He would pick a random target and get them to reveal a secret or have them jump out of a window or from any great height...trainers were always on hand to catch a falling student. It was also at this point that he picked up the name "Casanova" after successfully "wooing" a large majority of the female students in his class and secretly a few of the female instructors as well.  After 4 years of training, finishing his studies and receiving 2 doctorate degrees Luke was eager to put his skills to use.
         For 5 years he was assigned "special" missions that mostly dealt with superhuman terrorist organizations, energy x experimentation and trafficking  as well as acting as a counter intelligence agent for N.A.T.O command in Africa during the Energy X war.  During this period Luke garnered many contacts in government, the military as well as the private sector. Luke was a man who got things done...he had a 99% success rate on operations for an acceptable outcome. After Africa Luke was stationed in South Korea and was partnered with an Interpol agent from Japan named Marumi Saito to investigate illegal experimentation in the North. She was easily the most skilled and capable agent he'd ever met and hands down the best hand to hand combatant he'd ever seen and it didn't hurt that she was smart, charming and beautiful.  

It wasn't to long after that the two became infatuated with each other but they never acted on it because they were on assignment. Their last incursion over the border was to investigate a facility that satellites images showed a stock pile of energy x containers being moved. As they gathered information and investigated the facility more they found a lab filed with people suspended in energy x chambers...Koreans and also westerners as well. All were dead except one...he was American and a soldier. His dog tags were partially melted but 4 letters and 2 numbers were visible; M...U...R...S...4 & 7. In that moment their mission parameters changed...they needed to rescue this soldier but unfortunately they were discovered and had to fight their way out of the facility. Agent Saito allowed herself to be captured in order for Luke to escape with the unconscious soldier. Several days later...disobeying orders...Luke went back over the border. Using his powers he was able to get Agent Saitos location and rescue her; she endured severe torture at the hands of the North Koreans. Soon after Luke resigned from the C.I.A and returned home to Patriot City for the first time in years.

           Luke was exceedingly wealthy from his inheritance and also his fathers company which he held a large number of shares (he was worth almost 200 million dollars on paper and still more in private holdings he'd set up over the years). But he didn't rest on his laurels for too long. He sold off his shares in his fathers company and he started a security/counter-intelligence firm specializing in personal security, hostage negotiation and intervention as well consultation with local law enforcement training anti-terror units and meta-human investigation. Luke recruited people he'd come to know and trust in his espionage career ranging from espionage agents, soldiers, analysts, IT specialists almost all with varying degree's of meta-human ability. Among those he brought in was agent Saito who left her job with Interpol; a year later the two married. Luke had seen the worst of the worst during his time with the CIA and knew that the evils of this world weren't going away. He would act to make a difference in this world without the world even knowing of his existence. After a few years his firm was the most sought after in their field and it was at this point that the government came knocking again.

           With a new Freedom Force assembled and very popular in the public eye a joint task force was assembled at the behest of the President between the FBI, CIA and NSA dealing with meta-human affairs. The consensus of their meetings was that there needed to be another unit assembled to deal with the things that Freedom Force weren't or couldn't deal with publicly. Luke's team had great success in the field and his own record stood for itself except for the one incident. They asked him to assemble a team of Xer's to work "dark" missions to specifically deal with other Xer's...the worst of the worst. He agreed but under the proviso the he and his unit did their own intelligence work, cherry pick their missions and that they were autonomous. This would be the beginning of Champions of Freedom.

I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!

Figure Fan

Figure Fan

Real Name: Zachary M
Occupation: Artist, Adventurer
Identity: Publicly Unknown
Legal Status: U.S. citizen w/ no criminal record
Aliases: Dreamscaper, Mr. Malleability
Place of Birth: Lincoln Park, Michigan; United States
Group Affiliation: Former member of The Valiant
Base of Operations: N/A

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180 Lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light Brown

Strength Level: Due to his enhanced physiology, Figure Fan possesses above average strength and is able to lift (press) approximately 4,000 pounds.

Known Powers: Figure Fan possesses a conscious connection to the Dream Dimension and the ability to manipulate an unclassified energy from within it. In spite of its origin, this energy is capable of altering physical molecular structure and has had a lasting effect on Figure Fan's physiology. Unlike an ordinary person, Figure Fan possesses increased strength allowing him to lift approximately 4,000 pounds and is highly resistant to damage from conventional weaponry as well as concussive energy and sound. Figure Fan has used his power for a variety of feats, such as elongation, shape shifting, and animation. Figure Fan is able to elongate any portion of his body up to 300 feet while maintaining his balance and center of gravity. He is able to shape his body into any object he can conceive such as a bouncing ball, parachute, or trampoline. He is even able to achieve complex shapes such as statues and facial disguises. Through concentration, Figure Fan is able to manipulate the structure of inanimate objects and animate them at will. Figure Fan possesses precognitive and retrocognitive abilities as a result of his connection to the Dream Dimension, and is able to travel and interact within it by means of astral projection. He is also capable of telepathic communication, though the extent of his psionic abilities is unknown.

Equipment: None

History: A tear in the boundary dividing our reality and the Dreamscape infused Zach's sleeping mind with otherworldly power. He awoke forever changed. No longer ordinary, his body became totally malleable, his strength superhuman, and his mind capable of animating lifeless objects. As Figure Fan, such extraordinary abilities make him powerful, but his kind-hearted nature and willingness to help others make him a hero.



Real Name: Dean morris
Identity: Unknown
Legal Status: British w/ no criminal record
Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Shrewsbury england
Group Affiliation: none
Base of Operations: N/A

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 180 Lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark Brown

Strength Level: Able to lift 2 tonnes at maxim effort.

Known Powers: Superstrength, flight, energy blasts and a forcefield that is capable of withstanding a shotgun at close quarters and also allows him to survive in a vacuum.

Equipment: Alien powergem that creates and emits an unknown energy which can be manipulated by the gems wearer.

History: Due to a meteor shower and a crashing of a damaged cruiser behind his house, dean found inside a dying alien which whispered "protect and dont let him have this power" before passing away.Not fully understanding what he meant  he took the cannister which he was grasping and looked inside. A cannister containing a gem that when touched split and fused with his body. The gem created a battle uniform which dean can summon at will. At first dean was scared but over time he used the power from the gem to help the community and keep his town safe.
( ill write some more of his backstory when i get more time hopefully  ;) )

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.

Tawodi Osdi
