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So, who's switching to CO?

Started by Stopman, July 31, 2009, 12:24:11 AM

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With the release of CO (with mini-me pet and the pre-order incentives) versus the CoX loyalty incentives (closed beta/badges/subsciption offer), who's going or staying...or BOTH?

"The new EAT is a Stalker/Controller mix!!"


Sticking with CoH/V. Champions is no longer even in the running for me.


Played Champions a few times during beta and it didn't impress me.



Not going to jump on to CO, at least not right off the bat. 

I like what I'm hearing about power options, not being tied to particular powersets and getting travel powers early.  CoX really dropped the ball in those two areas, as far as I'm concerned.  I'm interested in the Power Suit heroes and maybe trying to give some of my older concepts new life.  Other parts of CO, not so much.  I'll want to see reviews, get word-of-mouth, and wait until some of the bugs are out.  Not to mention I'd probably need a new PC to run it.  I took a long time to break down and jump into CoH and that wait paid off in a more satisfying experience than I would have had otherwise.

CoX has matured a lot and has, or will have, a lot of things that hold my interest:

- Mission Architect (This is big for me)
- Veteran Rewards
- Power FX Customization (in I16)
- Dual Pistols powerset (in I16)
- Villain to Hero conversion (in Going Rogue, mostly for the RP potential)

If Paragon Studios continues to enhance MA and gives us new MA options in the future, and if no other superhero MMO provides an equivalent feature, I'll probably stick with CoX for awhile.  If they do what I suspect they will eventually do and make powerset selection a bit more flexible (a la custom MA characters), that will be a huge boost.  If they ever get around to fixing the 'mandatory' Fitness selections that eat three of my power slots, that would be another huge boost.

Either way I'm not going to pay two subscription fees.
STO/CO: @bluegeek


BTW, to answer my own question, I'm just going to stay with CoX, for a few reasons:

1. Time: 2 having young kids eats playtime. Nuff said.
2. Product, since time is an issue, I want my playtime, when I do get it, to be effective and worth the experience. While they work out kinks in CO, I can be happy with a very mature product.
3. Learning curve. Well, I no longer have time to get with the learning curve. I'd rather be playing something I know at this time. Sure, I do remember learning how to play CoX, and that was fun, and I'm sure I'd have similar fun learning CO, but it's not the only game in town, so it'll have to lose out in the end.
4. Community. I like having a base of friends (or at least like-minded people) to share the experience. At so it seems that the few who've already replied will be staying with CoX, I'd be happy to stay as well.
"The new EAT is a Stalker/Controller mix!!"


Im not sure if the NDA for Champions is still active, but regardless I am not going to be switching.

BTW, can anyone confirm if that NDA is still in effect, i havent been keeping track.
If for any reason you're not satisfied with our service, I hate you


I read a post a while back on the Champions forums that said you were free to talk about CO. In fact (if I'm remembering correctly) they wanted people to say they were in beta. BUT I don't think they wanted people to talk details. *shrugs*

Besides, shouldn't CO open beta start soon?


You are correct, MJB. Unfortunately, that post was removed after there were some pretty blatant NDA breaches. However, after many months of alpha/beta testing on my part, I've come to the conclusion that Champions is not for me (in fact, it helped me appreciate CoH/V more :) ).

But opinions will vary; the best advice any of us can offer is to try it in open beta and see what you think.


CoH/V forever for me it looks like, lol.
"My word and world holds ground and is real
Your word is like floods of poisoned water
A language spoken with spit from different tongues
You can never corrupt me again"


I'll give CO a try but I'll still be playing COH as well.

I did pre-order a copy of CO.
[img width=145 height=45][/img]

"I hold to a simple philosophy: Just assume everyone's a piece of crap and then be pleasantly surprised if you find anyone who ain't." - Luke Cage


I've been in CO since alpha and although some particulars have been interesting, I'm pretty sure that I'll stick with CoX for now.  Once/If CO comes to the Xbox 360 than I'll consider it a little more.  I'm tired of buying pc games that should work (according to specs) but don't.


Staying with CoX.  I IZ FREAKY 4LIFE!


Trying out CO and giving it a fair chance...

... but I get bored after 15 minutes.  At this point, doesn't look like I'll be picking it up.

I have to say and agree, CO makes me appreciate COH more.



I'm switching.  I've been playing CO for a few months now and it is improving a lot.  It needed to.  The main reason I'm changing isn't because I think CO is better than CoX, it's because my friends who aren't MMORPGers want to play CO due to the nolstagia associted with the name Champions.

CO has some really neat things about it, and some drawbacks, too. 

DC Online may switch me off both CoX and CO.


I've been holding back cuz of the NDA, but I have been in CO since alpha and have hated every minute of it.  I saw the improvements made but to me thats just putting sweet icing on a sour cake.  I actually haven't been back in a while and should give the more recent changes a chance, but definetly not switching from CoX.
If for any reason you're not satisfied with our service, I hate you


Also tried the CO Beta, and quickly tired of it.  I'll keep my on-and-off (lately, mostly off) COH playing for awhile. 
- Bujin



I'll be in it startinf this wed to try it out for awhile before I decide if I like it better the CoH
Left to Right: Canine Crypto-Robin Hoodlem-Nurse Nitengale-Knight Star-Doc Medic-Super Sentry
Right to Left: Striper the Grimlin-Sargent Major-Demonic HellRaiser-Shogun Ninja Master-Demoness Diva-DMenacer




If for any reason you're not satisfied with our service, I hate you


Well what can I say. I'm a sucker and it's easy to get me to bite.

Figure Fan

Quote from: MJB on August 06, 2009, 05:00:48 PM
Well what can I say. I'm a sucker and it's easy to get me to bite.

Yikes...must. resist. urge. to. make. joke.


I wrapped that up in a pretty bow just for someone to take advantage and you RESIST?!

Good gawd man, this is the interwebs! You can't pass up chances like that...


Quote from: MJB on August 07, 2009, 01:44:46 AM
Well what can I say. I'm a sucker and it's easy to get me to bite.

I wrapped that up in a pretty bow just for someone to take advantage and you RESIST?!

Good gawd man, this is the interwebs! You can't pass up chances like that...

There's still hope, Meej.  You're not licked yet.


COX is just too good. I can't let go of it.
[img width=145 height=45][/img]

"I hold to a simple philosophy: Just assume everyone's a piece of crap and then be pleasantly surprised if you find anyone who ain't." - Luke Cage


So, we got 12 CoX-lovers, 1 going to the other camp, and one bi.
"The new EAT is a Stalker/Controller mix!!"


I eventually ended my CoX subscription in July. I was only playing very sporadically as I was trying to get some time in with a few other games. I picked up CO and have played in the beta a little bit but once again haven't had much time with the schedule they kept.

I'll be in CO but will have to see just how much it holds my interest. I like the power build options so far but I'm not sure about the world/mission layout. It seems to be generally the open world approach with only a few instances vs. the mostly instance based CoX. I think I might have liked a little more even split between the two... but only one way to find out for sure!
Vector (Gravity/Kinetics) - Freedom
Howitzer Howard (Blaster) - AFBL: Skyway City Towers
Althea Haven (Illusion/Force Field) - Freedom (The New Assembly)


I wonder about CO.  I visited their website recently and saw their ad for lifetime memberships.

I'll stick with my Cities of Heros and Villians -- unless CO makes such a tsunami of a splash in the gaming world.
Plotter and Writer of ... The Legendary (and by that I mean LONG FORGOTTEN) Fantastic Force!!!!