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More i17 Info

Started by rain, February 23, 2010, 06:18:45 PM

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gotta admit lots of good stuff but....4 new arcs total?

everthing else looks good

Every time a Hammyo'ed MoG scrapper falls to an elec snipe in the arena, an angel gets his wings



They are adding the ability to e-mail your other toons inf? Finally!

Looks like i17 is going to be pretty cool. :)


:blink: Animated Tails!!!

:marm: *meow!*

That's awesome lol.
Marmeille is the wisest cat ever, EVER!!!
Cool Cape is sometimes made of oatmeal (freaking unstable molecules).


Definitely some good stuff in there.  Mighty tempting... not sure whether I'll get back on for it or wait for GR.  After all, the new features will still be there plus plenty more.

I'd like to know more about the craftables, and I'm curious about the 'Dark Mirror' enemy.

I'm not really surprised about the quality-of-life enhancements.  NCSoft is going to protect their franchise and they've got a great opportunity to steal any thunder Champions Online might generate. 

The e-mailing of influence makes sense, since there were ways around the restriction already.  I wish items were mailable, too.  It will be interesting to see how they factor in alignments to the hero/villain restrictions when GR launches.
STO/CO: @bluegeek


Quote from: BlueBard on February 24, 2010, 01:48:46 PMThe e-mailing of influence makes sense, since there were ways around the restriction already.  I wish items were mailable, too.  It will be interesting to see how they factor in alignments to the hero/villain restrictions when GR launches.

Found this on the CoH forums...

Quote from:  pohsybEmails can be sent to local as well as global names now.

Emails with attachments can only be sent to a Global name.

Valid attachments are Enhancements, Salvage, Recipes and Inspirations if they are tradeable (buyable on AH). One per email. Inf can be sent alongside item.

There will be 20 mail cap to inbox. Mails sent to full mailbox will bounce (bounced mails can exceed cap). If you are at the cap you cannot send mails.

Items with attachments cannot be deleted until attachment is claimed. They can be returned to sender.

Looks like you can send both Inf & items.  :thumbup:


Well there you go.  One item per email, cap of 20 emails, only to a global.  That doesn't seem terribly unbalancing.

It will definitely help take some more of the pain out of the Enhancements and Invention systems.
STO/CO: @bluegeek


Everything seems good except the Epic at LvL 20 - What's the reward now for getting to lvl 50?


Quote from: electro on February 25, 2010, 08:57:29 PM
What's the reward now for getting to lvl 50?

The ability to slot purple recipies? :?


Quote from: electro on February 25, 2010, 08:57:29 PM
Everything seems good except the Epic at LvL 20 - What's the reward now for getting to lvl 50?

The admiration of your friends?

Or you could look at it this way... once I got ONE hero to level 50, my motivational level to get another hero to 50 dropped dramatically.  Especially when I learned that I didn't really care to play a Kheldian one way or the other.

I think that there should have been a story arc with an actual storyline involved in unlocking an Epic AT.  As a hero, I should have done a story arc involving Kheldians that served as an intro to the ATs and their story arcs.  Sort of like the Cape mission.  I could decide for myself whether to bypass that story arc if I wasn't interested in playing a Kheldian.

I imagine the decision for lowering the level to unlock Epic AT's is based on metrics.  How many new players play one character all the way to level 50 before starting another one?  If altitis is the norm, then catering to that demographic is a good business decision.

I had no intention of levelling a villain to 50.  The lure of switching sides is the only reason I wanted to level up a villain.  There was no chance I was going to unlock a VEAT before.  But lowering the bar might tempt me to play a VEAT.  And that might keep me playing longer.

The real question that needs to be solved is whether or not the game is fun to play at -EVERY- level.  They're trying to remove some of the grind and facilitate gameplay, which I think is a step in the right direction.
STO/CO: @bluegeek


Quote from: electro on February 25, 2010, 08:57:29 PM
Everything seems good except the Epic at LvL 20 - What's the reward now for getting to lvl 50?

Rolling a Kheld wasnt even an option when I dinged to 50.

The reward is the fun you had getting there.

Why does there need to be more?

Every time a Hammyo'ed MoG scrapper falls to an elec snipe in the arena, an angel gets his wings


I like the badge!  It's shiny! :thumbup:


Not saying that the Kheldians are that great - In fact my toon Raging Unicorn never even transforms into the squid/monster but I do like the light based powers of the PB - It just feels like there needs to be something to unlock at every 10 lvl's like cape,aura etc... - Just saying theres nothing to unlock now at 50 - One day NCSoft might give everyone all veteran rewards too people that play 2 weeks or more if I let this kinda thing slide - Some things should be unreachable to people who havn't put in the time others have into MMO's - Theres enough to do without giving away certain things :blink:


Don't get me wrong here... Level 20 does seem kind of low and there are other things that unlock at that level.  I would've raised the bar a bit higher.

But, again, I suspect that the level has not been chosen by accident.  If they're looking at stats that say that the majority of new players never level characters past, say, 25... then they are going to do what they need to do to get people playing longer.  That includes dangling the bait lower than before.

I would bet that they will come up with some other rewards for level 50.  But you can't take away bragging rights.
STO/CO: @bluegeek


Quote from: BlueBard on February 26, 2010, 01:40:32 PMThat includes dangling the bait lower than before.

LoL.. Yea maybe I should lighten up a little - After all this game is old as the hills now - I got an idea for a cool new lvl 50 unlock thow to make a Fat character - Been wanting to make a Herbie Popnecker or Blob looking toon for awhile now - Ish 17 will be cool thow with the new graphics update & emotes - After this double XP weekend i'm taking a break till 17 hits :blink:


I don't expect too many changes to the Veteran Rewards system.  I have a feeling that it's reasonably successful at encouraging people to stick with the game as it is, with rewards like Wings and powers.  I have more costume changes and respecs than I know what to do with.  Day Jobs was another gimmick that hooked me into playing more, so I could unlock those accolades.

What I think will happen eventually is that they will expand on the idea of paying for bonus packs.  So one day we might see where you can pay to unlock things that you otherwise earn through play.  We already pay to unlock additional character slots, additional MA arcs, do server transfers, etc.  It's probably a natural progression given what's going on in the MMO industry.
STO/CO: @bluegeek