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Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Started by deano_ue, April 20, 2010, 12:56:22 PM

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Glitch Girl

New version bump.

So there's a new "ultimate" version coming out next month, and it has new stuff...

like the battling lawyer, Phoenix Wright.  :thumbup:

-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka


Quote from: Glitch Girl on October 13, 2011, 05:03:14 PM
New version bump.

So there's a new "ultimate" version coming out next month, and it has new stuff...

like the battling lawyer, Phoenix Wright.  :thumbup:

The Beauty of 2d fighting games was just how weird the fighting styles could be, and Capcom kind of ruled that world.

I'm surprised how well they have transitioned into 3d, with really good expresive animations and odd attacks... the Phoenix Wright video was so fun to watch.

Glitch Girl

Rocket Raccoon has been added, and he has a lot of gadgets and traps.
-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka

Glitch Girl

Just got it, which came with a preorder costume pack (more on that in a moment).  For the record, I didn't buy the first one, so this is the first time I've played MvC3 in any form.  (MvC2...ah, fond arcade memories  :) )

Good grief, this game is a button-bangers dream!  Didn't know what I was doing, and I got the Viewtiful Combo achievement in the first five minutes.  This is going to be popular on Game Night methinks since it's so easy to pick up, yet there's plenty there to master.

Some other random thoughts:
- Rocket Raccoon is small so some attacks go over his head; however, he's got virtually no melee reach.  Good thing he has guns and traps.  The traps are fun - I've found shrapnel, boulder, and net, but haven't figured out Bear Trap yet.  Me like.

- Phoenix Wright's fighting style can be described as "Jerry Lewis-esque".  He trips on a banana peel and falls into the opponent as one of his "normal" attacks.  He drops things, he tears his hair and freaks out, he bumbles and stumbles and other assorted slap-stick.  I really dislike his english voice casting.  Not that the actor isn't good, he just sounds way too young IMO. 
EDIT:  Turns out he's more complex than I thought, having different stances that have to be powered up.  who knew?

- Frank West's fighting style OTOH could be described as "Kitchen Sink".  Actually, considering all the junk he has in that shopping cart, there might even be one in there.  One of his attacks makes a zombie appear out of nowhere just so he can swing it around... bizarre.

- Good grief, Nemesis is SLOW!

- Though I'm not a Ghost Rider fan, he is fun to play.

- Deadpool going "Shoryuken!" amuses me far more than it should.

- Alternate colors... oh lordy...  How many hideous combination can you pack into one game? (All costumes here if you're curious)

- Graphically, I prefer the brighter, softer colors of SF4 - the ink affect just feels too heavy and forced.   Still, some of those backgrounds are just amazing.

- Costume pack: because I preordered, I got the Femme Fatale pack, which I believe is already for sale.  To be honest, I don't think I'd get it if it didn't come with the game.  The alternate models are fine (Mohawk Storm, WHOO!!) and look good, but they don't support alternate colors - they just get added into the alternate color menu as an extra option.  Also, the amount of data that was DLed when I activated it tells me that the models are already on the disk so if you were to purchase it, you're basically getting access to something that's already there.  Yeah I know this is business as usual nowadays, but I still think it's kinda tacky especially since each pack is only 4 characters for $3 (I think) a pop.

- EDIT: Complaint #2, Training Mode doesn't really train you.  Just like in SF4, it's an area where you can wail on a computer-controlled opponent that just stands there or walks around or whatever you have it set to, but it doesn't tell you how to do any of the moves.  You have to open a menu, find your character, and look at the list, which cannot be open while you're actually controlling the character.  Capcom could learn from Virtua Fighter in this area: Training mode included visible move instructions, a preview of what the move was supposed to look like, an indicator if you got the move right, as well as a visual indicator of the controls you were hitting (SF4 at least has that, kinda)

-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka


Quote from: Glitch Girl on November 16, 2011, 04:10:54 PM
Complaint #2, Training Mode doesn't really train you.  Just like in SF4, it's an area where you can wail on a computer-controlled opponent that just stands there or walks around or whatever you have it set to, but it doesn't tell you how to do any of the moves.  You have to open a menu, find your character, and look at the list, which cannot be open while you're actually controlling the character.  Capcom could learn from Virtua Fighter in this area: Training mode included visible move instructions, a preview of what the move was supposed to look like, an indicator if you got the move right, as well as a visual indicator of the controls you were hitting (SF4 at least has that, kinda)

I believe there's a trial mode, but I don't remember where it is. It won't teach you fighting game fundamentals  (IE: Footsies, zoning, spacing, proper anti-airing, resets and mixups), but it will at least teach you some combos with the characters.

Here are some things I've noticed about UMVC3:

1: Frank West's Shopping Cart assist OTGs (off the grounds), as well as keeps them aloft for a few seconds, long enough to keep combo going after OTGing earlier in the combo. (The way the MVC3 combo system works is that your current character than OTG one in a combo before a combo can end. An assist with an OTG [ie: Shopping cart, Wesker's down shot, etc] can continue a combo until the damage scaling makes it not worth it to continue. This is where Resets [cutting a combo short to go into a new one from a different angle] become huge.)

2: Virgil is stupid good. He's like Dante and Wolverine (at least in MVC3 gameplay) had a baby that decided it wanted to be top tier.

3: She-Hulk + Taskmaster = Hawkeye (again, at least in terms of MVC3 gameplay)


So I picked up Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 to get my marvel fix. There is only a couple Capcom characters that I've even heard of. Thats fine, I got the game for the Marvel characters. I really like it, like I said, it gives me my Marvel fix. As far as fighting games go, Injustice covers DC and now UMC 3 covers Marvel. The only complaint I have, is that the alt skin for Hulk that makes him Red Hulk screwed up his eye color. They are white in the game and yellow in the comics. They got the alt skin for She-Hulk right, making her Red She-Hulk complete with yellow eyes. What gives?


i don't have an answer to your question but you have reminded me that I need to give Ultimate MvsC 3 a shot. Wonder if it has hit $20 for the PS3 version yet?


I paid $30 at my local gamestop and that was for a new copy.