The Cancer saga (was:Good thoughts to Glitch Cat and me)

Started by Glitch Girl, August 20, 2012, 12:35:28 AM

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Sorry to read about this *hugs tight*


My best wishes to you, GG. Loss is part of life as are trials, triumphs, laughter and tears. Be well...


Best of wishes to you, GG and cat. I know how heart-breaking it is to lose a loyal companion, and I pray for the best. :(


I'm so sorry that you are going through such a terrible time, but I am glad that you have fond memories to hang onto.  Also that you realized what the medication was doing to you... We don't want to lose you, my friend!

I've struggled with depression my whole life and I've been through dark times like that.  Even some medication-caused ones.  But knowing that there are people who care about me and that life is precious brought me through them.  I can honestly say that the good times were more than worth the other times that weren't.

I pray God will send you comfort, help, and strength.  If it were possible to sit and mourn with you, I would.
STO/CO: @bluegeek

Glitch Girl

Thank you everyone for all the kind words and prayers.

Unfortunately, it looks like I'm going to need them even more.

Summer has not been kind.  It seems like it's throwing everything bad at me that it can.

And now, there's a lump. 

Or more specifically, a "mass".  I've had it scanned, and I'm supposed to go back on the 25th for a biopsy.  At this point, it is unlikely to be a cyst and the rate it appeared, I doubt it's going to be benign and it scares me.   

I don't know what else to say.  I will keep you all posted.
-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka

Cyber Burn

Please keep us posted GG. This is when of those times when I don't know how to respond, but you'll definitely be kept in my thoughts and prayers.

laughing paradox

I wish you the best and some peace in these trying times.


God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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All the best warm and good thoughts.  My prayers are with you. 


I don't know what to say Glitch Girl.  But it's times like these, that i believe that thinking  positive would be more beneficial to your health. Don't give up hope and believe in prayers.
I will be hoping and praying that things will turn out ok for you.


That's awful.  I'm sending up prayers right now.

I pray that the doctors will correctly diagnose this mass and that they'll come up with the treatment that will work best for you.  I pray that your caregivers will be compassionate as well as professional and skilled.

I've got to assume that you have a bunch of RL (non-online) friends who can be your support system and help you through this time.  Maybe a church "family"?  I pray that God puts you on their hearts and gives them what they need to support you.

I pray that God will keep reminding us all to think of you and pray for you, especially when you need them most.  I pray that you will find unexpected acts of kindness and that you will be surprised with joy.

I pray that you come through this stronger and happier than before.  May God bless you with his grace and love at this time and always.
STO/CO: @bluegeek


Words fail me, but you are in my thoughts as well.
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard. - Jeremy Goldberg


I...don't know what to say. I can only hope for the best, Glitch.
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You are in my thoughts and prayers, GG. Hope everything turns out okay and you can look forward to better things to come.

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


Oh, Glitch. I really hope that no further bad news comes out of this. You've been in my thoughts since you first felt stressed and I'll hope with all my might that things turn out ok.


You are certainly in my thoughts and prayers, GG.   

Glitch Girl

Thanks for all the good thoughts.  I wish I had better news...

The biopsy was Tuesday.  It did not go smoothly.  The first sample they took was very painful and they had to use additional numbing agent for the remaining four samples.  One of the technicians remarked that that much pain may indicate a malignant tumor.

Turns out she was right.  It is malignant; however it is small and it hasn't spread and we have caught it early.  I don't know what my options are at present - those are to be discussed next week at some point, appointment pending, but the doctors have told me my outlook is positive.

I have to admit, it still scares me.  Wish I had more details to report, but that's all I know.

Again, thanks for all the kind thoughts and prayers.
-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka


We'll keep sending the good vibes your way.  Hang in there.
"I am the world's first fully functioning homicidal artist.  I make art until somebody dies"--The Joker


I wish so much that you had received other news GG, but, while no-one wants to hear such a result, it does sound like you've got a pretty darn good outlook.  With cancer, catching it early is just absolutely huge.  When you catch it early your body can fight it much more effectively.  Keep up your spirits and stay hopeful!  We'll keep you in our prayers.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Obviously, you'd rather have dodged the bullet entirely, but, as others are saying, cancer caught early is very treatable and carries great odds for a positive outcome. Thanks for the update and know that our heartfelt best wishes are with you.
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard. - Jeremy Goldberg


I'll echo the others. Hoping for the best GG.
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Cyber Burn

I'm glad this was caught early GG. I'll continue to keep you in my prayers.


I can't blame you for being scared GG. But detecting it in its early stages is a very good sign. Be strong and don't lose faith.


Early detection is key. It looks like you caught it just right.

For whatever strength and prayers you need, count me in.


I'm so sorry to hear of your recent troubles, Mea.  Glitch Cat was an FR personality, it's sad to all of us who remember the shenanigans she caused.

As to your own difficulties, I don't know what to say but keep strong and positive.  Life is coming down hard on you now, but you can break through it.  You're an awesome and caring woman.  I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and pushing giant bags of hope your way.


The family & I have you in our thoughts. Just stay positive. After all you are a super-hero. You can totally defeat this baddie. :mjb:


More prayers on the way...  May Medicine cure the body and Faith comfort the soul.  May all your needs be met.
STO/CO: @bluegeek

Glitch Girl

Thanks again everyone.  I will continue to post updates here.

Today I met with the doctor about my treatment options.   It was also right after I picked up Rogue's (aka: Glitch Cat) ashes, so needless to say I was not in the best of moods, and waiting two hours in a small examination room didn't help.  Thankfully, the news I eventually got was better - there will be an operation (a lumpondectomy) followed by about six weeks of radiation treatment, which, in theory, should take care of it.  The initial prognosis is good, though there is still an MRI that needs to be done and surgeons to talk to.  A lot of "hurry up and wait" which makes one weary. 

I greatly appreciate all the prayers and well wishes from all of you.  They have really helped despite the distance.
-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka

Cyber Burn

Stay strong and know that you have a lot of friends here that are keeping you in our prayers. Thanks for the update Glitch.


The Best There Is At What I Do......when I have the time.